Chapter 58 - Heroes' Base

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Chapter 58

(Hiro's POV)

Aunt Cass and I had to spend the night at a hotel, and because of that, I had access to a computer. I sat there for several hours as I waited and nothing happened. Maybe she wanted me to email her? No because Lyn probably closed her email down. Same with texting. So how was she going to communicate with me if it really was Akira? 

Suddenly,realized that if Akira was really Afterburn, she might be using Arcane's onlinemessaging system. I quickly logged into my account via the web browser andopened my inbox. I had one message from 'Xena,' Akira's character.

"Are the others still awake?" Was all it said.

"I don't know. It's only 11, so probably," I replied.

"Go to the old building down the street from your house. Make sure the rest of your team is there. Be there no later than midnight."

"Alright. Why though?" I typed in. I waited for a few minutes with no reply. "Akira?" Still no response. I picked up my cellphone, which was luckily in my pocket during the fire, and called everyone one by one with locations on where to meet. I snuck upstairs to the room, and activated Baymax. We snuck out of the hotel and waited by the front lobby, where Wasabi was waiting in car with Gogo, and Fred. We hopped in and drove to the building that Afterburn, who I assumed was Akira, told us to go to. Once we got out, Wasabi shone his flashlight around the property.

"Remind me again why we are coming to an abandoned building to meet somebody who we don't really know if we can trust?" Gogo asked with a pop of her gum. "Especially after we just got blindsided back at the café this morning?"

"Just trust me," I replied while looking around. As Wasabi moved his flashlight around, I caught a glimpse of green hair. Wasabi noticed it too and directed his flashlight to it. The light revealed Afterburn standing before us. He kept his light on her, and she turned around and began walking behind the building. I chased after her, and the others cautiously followed.

She stopped at a spot of grass on the ground, and held her hand out towards it. A square section of the grass dropped down a foot and then slid to the side, revealing a metal staircase leading to a metal door. She leapt over the stairs to the bottom, with her boots glowing and slowing her down right before impact so she landed softly. We stepped down the stairs carefully, and once we were all down, the plate of grass slid closed behind us. Afterburn opened the door the same way she opened the panel to get to the stairs. She stepped into the dark room, and then the lights flickered to life. The door shut itself too once we were all inside the room.

The room was quite large and had large computers on one side of it. There were several pieces of equipment, such a 3D printing machine like the one in the lab. There was a lit up panel of glass inset into the wall with plastic dummies with outfits on them inside, 6 to be specific, each of them had a similar body shape to one of us. One wall was lined around it, so that it appeared to be able to move.

"Oh my god! Oooooh my god!" Fred shrieked. "We're actually inside a superhero's secret hideout! Ahhh!" He squealed.

"I thought you'd like it, Fred. It was smaller several months ago, but I've been slowly building it back further to give more space, as well as adding some tools and equipment," she explained.

"Who are you?" Gogo echoed the question that kept getting asked. Afterburn ran her fingers through her short hair and then moved her hands to her bandana mask and voice changer. She slipped that off and then quickly followed with her goggles, revealing her entire face.

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