Chapter 21 - I Can See!

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(A/N: Thank you for all the views! :D You guys rock! :) In a couple of chapters, the romance and action from the villian will flourish. Again, thank you, everyone! Don't forget to comment and vote!)

Chapter 21

(Akira’s POV)

                Hiro and I sat for quite some time with my blueprints until he finally noticed the time.

                “Hey, Akira? We really need to leave now. Its 7 and everyone is supposed to meet us at 7:15,” he commented. I leaned back against the couch and groaned. He laughed. “You do realize you’re not coming back home until at least 1 AM, right?”

                “But I’m comfy on the couch!” I argued. He shuffled around, and without a warning, picked me up bridal style, causing me to screech and cling tightly to his neck for fear of him dropping me. “HIRO!!!!”

                “Whoa, I’m not going to drop you, relax,” he soothed. I blushed deeply due to his carrying on me. I felt the gentle movements of him walking. He slowly set me down. I leaned over to grab my bag, only for it to be missing from its place. “I already have both of our backpacks over my shoulder. Come on, you.” Without notice, he yet again scooped me up into his arms, causing me to blush. I clung to his neck like I had moments ago. I felt the steady rocking of the natural movements of walking.

                “Um, Hiro, you can put me down,” I reminded. He chuckled.

                “You’re right, I can,” he agreed. I waiting for his walking to stop and for him to put me down, only to realize that he was now going down the stairs. Once we made it to the bottom, I reminded him again.

                “Hiro, I said you can put me down.”

                “Yes, I can,” he answered again. “Ms. Lyn, Akira and I are heading out. Thank you for letting me stay here for a few hours!” he shouted to Lyn. I heard him open and door and close it behind him, and then carry me down the front steps.

                “Hiro, when are you going to set me down?”

                “I didn’t say I would set you down. I just said I could set you down. There’s a difference,” he teased.

                “You’re a little smart-ass.” I teased back.

                “Yes, and I’m glad I am,” he responded as he still continued to carry me. I shook my head and sighed to show I was annoyed but amused. I felt him turn around the corner and then he carefully set me down.

                “Aww~! You guys are sooo cute! I wish I had gotten a picture!” Honey squealed, causing me to jump because I hadn’t realized she was there already. Hiro handed me my backpack. I blushed.

                “All of us except for Fred got here 5 minutes early,” Gogo explained. “While we’re waiting for him, you, Akira, and Baymax can get your suits on. Don’t forget your surprise.”

                “Will do,” Hiro agreed. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the garage, where Baymax stood waiting.

                “Hello, Hiro. Hello, Akira,” Baymax greeted. Hiro handed me my suit.

                “Hey, Baymax,” Hiro and I greeted back.

                “Can you get that on by yourself or do you need help?” Hiro offered. I shook my head and began slipping the suit on over my tank top and shorts. I heard a little shuffling after I had finished getting into the suit and put the helmet on.

                “Alright. Baymax and I are ready,” Hiro told me. I nodded and walked outside with him and Baymax.

                “Are you gonna give it to her now?” Fred impatiently blurted out once we made it to the front steps on the Lucky Cat Café.

                “Yes,” he answered. My heart began to pound quickly. Will I really be able to see after this? “Akira, please remove your helmet.” I slid the helmet up over my head. “Now, remove your glasses.” I bit my lip and carefully took them off too. I held my hand out with my glasses and somebody took them from me. “Close your eyes.” I listened to his request. He slipped something that felt like my glasses onto my face.

                “Why’d you make me take my glasses off only to put them back on?” I asked.

                “Because they aren’t the same glasses,” he replied. “All of us – Baymax, Gogo, Fred, Wasabi, Honey, and I – are standing in front of you, so go ahead and open your eyes when you’re ready.” He took my hand to reassure me. I took a deep breath.

                “Alright… Here it goes. 1… 2… 3!” I opened my eyes. I-… I can SEE. My eyes filled with tears. I could see everyone standing in front of me. I could see the buildings. I could see the streets. I could see the sky. I could see the sun slowly making its way towards the horizon line. Hiro stood in front of me and smiled. Baymax was like a white balloon with red armor. Hiro was in his blue-violet suit, but with his helmet off. I could see the scrawny boy finally. And everyone else… A tall, thin, pale-skinned boy with a beanie stood grinning at the back. A tall, muscular guy with cocoa-colored skin stood to the left of the other boy. And the two girls stood a bit closer – one extremely tall, skinny, tanned, blonde girl in a yellow sweater and pink glasses and the other a short, Asian, curvy girl with short black hair and a leather jacket. The tall guy and the tall girl both looked excited, so I guessed they were Fred and Honey. That left the other guy to be Wasabi and the other girl, who was chewing bubble gum, was Gogo. My tears streamed down my grinning face. I squeezed Hiro’s hand, let go of it, and then flung myself into his arms, crying. “H-Hiro… Thank you,” I whimpered. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a warm squeeze.

                “Anything for you,” he whispered back. I heard a click go off. Hiro and I released each other and Honey stood with her phone like she was taking a picture.

                “Yes! Got it! Now I finally have a cute picture of you two!” she cheered. “Here, let me get a group picture!” She pulled everyone into a group and held the camera up. We smiled and she took the picture. “Did you want to see, Akira?” I nodded. She handed me her phone and my jaw dropped. I saw myself in the picture, but that wasn’t it. I looked like I was wearing normal glasses. You could see through the lenses and see my eyes. I handed the phone back to Honey and turned towards Hiro.

                “How did you make these? What are they?” I asked quickly and impatiently.

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