Chapter 39 - Food

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(A/N: Merry Christmas/Seasons greetings/Happy Holidays everyone! Tomorrow I'll upload a special Christmas chapter :D I hope all of you are having a wonderful day! Enjoy!)

Chapter 39

(Akira’s POV)

                Soon, Dr. Watson came in and instructed Hiro to leave. The police came in and asked me several questions and then left. The doctor came in, took my vitals again, gave me more pain meds now that the police were gone, and opened the door. Lyn, Cass, Gogo, Fred, Honey, Wasabi, and Hiro were all standing at the door with cards, flowers, and balloons in their hands.  They all came rushing in and showered me in hugs.

                “You scared us, Akira!” Honey cried out as she hugged me.

                “It’s not my fault,” I said jokingly, managing to get some smiles out of the group. Lyn wheeled over to me.

                “Dr. Watson said that you’d have to stay here overnight and then you can go back to school tomorrow as long as you’re careful,” Lyn informed me. I nodded and gave her a hug.

                “Hiro told us what happened,” Cass said. I nodded. They each handed me various flowers and cards and Fred handed me 2 balloons, a white balloon and a blue balloon.

                “Does somebody have a marker?” I asked as I took the balloons from Fred. Honey nodded and dug out a sharpie from her purse. Everyone looked at me curiously as I drew two dots and a line on the white balloon to look like Baymax’s face, earning some laughter from everyone.

                “Can I see the sharpie?” Hiro asked. I nodded and he drew the shape of my glasses on the blue balloon and I giggled. He sat back down in the chair by my bedside and squeezed my hand.

                “Can I have some food? I’m really hungry,” I complained. Lyn wheeled out and called the doctor over and told her that I was hungry. She turned the corner, and then came back in a moment later with a popsicle.

                “I don’t want you to eat and lose it all immediately. Start with this, and I’ll be back in 15 minutes with some applesauce. If you can keep the popsicle down for the 15 minutes, you can have the applesauce. If you can keep the applesauce down for 15 minutes, you can have some real food,” she explained and then left. I nodded and attempted to open the thing but couldn’t due to the medication weakening me so much. Hiro laughed and opened it for me. Then, I tried to move it to my mouth, but was frustrated when I learned that the IV drip cords weren’t long enough for me to stretch my arms to my mouth. I glanced to Hiro and he shook his head and smiled at my inability to help myself. He took the popsicle from me and held it in front of my mouth for me, earning squeals from Honey as she took pictures.

                All of us talked for the 15 minutes I had to wait for the applesauce. Dr. Watson came in, gave it to me with a spoon, and then left. Hiro had to feed me the applesauce too, which embarrassed me that I was so useless with the IV cords attached and the medication weakening me. Eventually, I was brought a tray of donburi, which my stomach was very pleased with. The day carried on with everyone talking and joking around. And then, the sun began to set. Lyn and Cass went around the corner for several minutes and then returned with pizza for everyone. We ate and talked until 9PM hit and it was time for visitors to leave. Dr. Watson came in to tell us, and Hiro looked at me sadly and began to stand up.

                “Except for you, Mr. Hamada,” she voiced as everyone but Hiro, the doctor, and I left the room. “Technically, I’m not supposed to do this, but I’m very high up on the corporate chain in this hospital and I can get away with bending the rules a bit. I’m good friends with Lyn, and so I’m breaking the rules for you yet again. If, and only if, Akira would like you to, you may stay here overnight,” Dr. Watson said. Hiro’s eyes lit up and he turned to me hopefully.

                “I’d love that,” I answered. Dr. Watson smiled and nodded.

                “I’ll come to check up on you two every hour or two. If anything odd happens when I’m not here, it’s your job to hit the call button and ask for a nurse or doctor, Mr. Hamada. I’m afraid we don’t have anywhere for you to sleep in here except for the chair, but I can get you a pillow,” she explained.

                “Thank you very much. I’d appreciate that if you don’t mind,” Hiro replied politely. She nodded and leaned around the corner, grabbed a pillow from a closet along the wall, and tossed him the pillow. She waved to us and then shut the door behind her. The second the door shut, Hiro pressed his lips against mine for several seconds. When he pulled away, I stared longingly into his eyes. He smiled and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. “Again, I’m sorry for everything,” he whispered. I smiled.

                “Don’t apologize,” I quietly spoke back. He sat down and stroked my hand with his thumb.

                “Would do like me to help lean the bed back again?” I nodded.

                “Don’t put it completely flat,” I commented. He nodded and carefully and slowly lowered the back of the bed to be slightly flatter.

                “Is that good?”

                “Yes, thank you. I already know I can’t reach my face, so can you get my glasses for me?” He chuckled and slid them off my face, leaving me blind. I heard him stand up, hit the light switch, and walk back over to me. He took my hand in his silently and kissed my forehead.

                “Goodnight, darling. I love you,” he cooed. I blushed and smiled.

                “Goodnight. I love you too, my perfect genius,” I cooed back. Before long, he had fallen asleep in the chair, and I had fallen asleep in the bed. 

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