Chapter 38 - Hospitalized

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Chapter 38

(Akira’s POV)

                I went in and out of consciousness as I heard muffled shouting and beeping. Bright lights clouded my view. Then, everything went black again. I slowly opened my eyes and was surprised to be able to see. A white tile ceiling was the first thing I saw. The light in the room was a natural faded color like sunlight through a window. I heard steady beeping. My mind was clouded and I felt a little numb physically too.

                “Akira…?” A voice whispered. A hand gently tightened on my hand. I tried to sit up to see who it was and was hit with a sharp pain to my side.

                I whimpered and then fell back onto the bed.

                “Please don’t move,” the voice cried. I was silent for a moment, trying to figure out who it was. The voice was very familiar, but I wasn’t registering it due to my mind being so clouded.

                “H-hiro…?” I weakly said, but my voice came out in a quiet whisper.

                “Yeah, it’s me,” he answered quietly and held my hand tighter.

                “Hiro,” I said again, causing my voice to crack slightly.

                “Shh, I’m right here,” he reassured. I held his hand back. I heard the sound of a door opening and footsteps, but I could see only see the tile ceiling.

                “Is Ms. Tomoko awake, Mr.Hamada?” A woman with a familiar voice asked.

                “Yes, ma’am,” he answered.

                “Thank you. Can you please tell me your name?” the woman asked.

                “Akira Tomoko,” I managed to say.

                “Good, good. Do you remember who I am? I’m Doctor Sherley Watson,” the woman said.

                (A/N: Yes, that’s a reference to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor John Watson. Lol. )

                “Y-yes. You’re the doctor that takes care of Ms. Lyn,” I answered.

                “Good. You’re on a lot of pain killers right now, so I won’t ask you too many memory-based questions. We’re going to let some of the pain killers wear off, and then an hour, some policemen are going to come in and ask you to describe what happened. They’ve already talked to Mr.Hamada. It’s Tuesday, December the 19th at exactly 2:47 PM. You’re at the San Fransokyo Hospital right now. I’m supposed to have you on limited visitors, but your friends and Lyn have convinced me to let Mr.Hamada stay with you until the police arrive. If you need anything at all, I’ll be right outside,” she explained and then I heard her footsteps start to leave the room.

                “Wait, Dr.Watson?” Hiro called.


                “If I help her and if she wants to, can I help her sit up?”

                “As long as you’re careful, it’s her choice, and you angle the bed to support her,” Dr. Watson answered as she closed the door.

                “Do you want to sit up?” Hiro asked.

                “Y-yeah,” I whispered. He placed his hand on my back and used the other to move the bed. He slowly angled the bed and I so I was sitting up. I looked to see that I had several IV drips attached to my arm and Hiro was sitting on a chair beside me and holding my hand. His cheeks were wet with tears. “Hiro…” I whispered as I reached forwards slowly and attempted to dry his cheeks with my hand.  He smiled and moved his cheek closer to me so it’d be easier. “Are my glasses on?” I whispered. He nodded and smiled at me.

                “Yeah. I insisted you kept them on so you wouldn’t be scared and alone in the dark when you woke up,” he whispered gently back.

                “What happened…?” I asked. He looked down.

                “After I blocked Henry’s attack with the watch and kicked him to the floor, he lunged to you. He stabbed your side. I… uh… punched him until he blacked out and then rushed you to the hospital. The police said he was gone when they got there. The doctors stitched you up and I… I was scared because I thought you were going to die. You were unconscious for so long,” he began choking up.

                “Hiro, I’m okay,” I voiced weakly. He moved the hand of mine he was holding to his lips and kissed my hand. “Thank you.” He smiled and looked to me.

                “Why did he attack you?” Hiro asked.

                “He said he was working for Callaghan,” I answered. Hiro furrowed his brows and bit his lip.

                “What the hell is Callaghan’s problem? Yeah, we got him arrested, but I was the one who saved his daughter. He doesn’t need to like me for saving her, but he has no reason to try to hurt us,” Hiro growled quietly.

                “I don’t know,” I responded.

                (A/N: Don’t worry, readers! I will answer this question in a future chapter!)

                Hiro sighed and looked to me longingly. “Akira, I’m sorry for everything. I’ll try to be a better friend than I was boyfriend,” he apologized. I squeezed his hand.

                “Hiro, you weren’t a bad boyfriend. You never were. You’re perfect,” I reassured.

                “Then why did you cheat on me?” he whispered sadly.

                “Can I explain to you what happened without you yelling at me this time?” I asked teasingly. He smiled and nodded. “Henry said he never really loved me like that, he said he only wanted to cut me open. When he came up to me in the park, he forcefully kissed me. I tried to pull away. And then he confessed his ‘love.’ I suspect he was trying to make it look like I cheated to you, but look like he was asking me out and confessing to me. So, at the time, even if he wasn’t working for Callaghan, he did that out of the blue. Now that we know he was working for Callaghan, I bet he did that to upset us so you would lose a member of the team and you’d be hurt too. Basically, I never cheated on you and I never would,” I concluded.

                “I’m so sorry that I didn’t listen to you,” Hiro whimpered and then hugged me gently as to not hurt me.

                “It’s alright,” I answered and hugged him back.

                “Do you still want to be friends…? Or can we maybe try this again…?” Hiro nervously asked. I blushed and smiled. I leaned forwards carefully and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “Is that a yes?” He grinned.

                “Of course, my perfect genius. I love you so much,” I cooed.

                “I love you too,” he cooed back.

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