Chapter 54 - War

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A/N: Sorry for the 4 month hiatus, everyone! *awkward laughing* Hopefully, I didn't lose too many readers in that time. I've had a lot of school work recently and am finally getting some free time. Also, I recently fixed a major mistake in chapter 20. Somehow the beginning half of the chapter got deleted from Wattpad. So that is now added and will hopefully make more sense now. Thank you to all who are still reading after all this time! The end of the story is approaching! Without further ado, here is the next chapter!

Chapter 54

(Akira's POV)

(•-•) (•-•) (•-•) TIME SKIP: 5 days (•-•) (•-•) (•-•)

Honey's death was hard on all of us. She was so nice to all of us and always there when we needed her. And where was I when she needed me the most? I could have saved her. Everyone else told me it wasn't my fault, but that was hard to accept.

Tadashi, though just a computer program, seemed heartbroken when we told him. He had spent the last few days distracting himself with hunting down Evan and Yama's whereabouts. Each time he thought he had traced them down, they had gone by the time we had reached their last location.

The funeral had been just yesterday. All of us were still so solemn and mournful. We had all lost a precious friend. I spent hours hiding away in my secret bunker down the street. At the moment, I was curled up in my room staring at the wall silently. We lost so much. Just as we had reached our highest moments, all had been taken. I didn't want any more to be lost.

Sighing, I stood up weakly and sat on the couch by the window across from my boyfriend's room. Both of us had our windows open. I looked through and noticed him talking with his brother- er, I mean the AI system with his brother's memories and personality. His face was very stoical at first, but after a moment, quickly changed into fear and panic.

"Akira!!!" He yelled for me, worry in his voice. I jumped through my window, and swiftly controlled the microbots, which had been moved into my room for convenience, to carry me across to Hiro's room. Once I made it in, I realized tears were now threatening to spill from Hiro's eyes. He pointed to the screen of Tadashi's laptop and then typed viciously away.

"It's not working!!!!" Tadashi's voiced hissed. The monitor was going nuts and the computer seemed to be aggressively trying to shut down, as if a complex virus was a work. Hiro and Tadashi were double teaming to get rid of it, but whoever programmed it was a match for the brothers.

"Akira, please help!" Hiro began whimpering. "There's a virus attacking Tadashi's file!" I nodded and immediately focused on the computer. I attempted to remove the virus, and was able to get much farther than the two boys in doing so because I had direct access via my mind rather than the keyboard. Unfortunately, this was not enough. I wasn't strong enough. The virus shut me out of the files and wiped the entire laptop before I had a chance to get rid of it.

The words "We'll talk about a compromise tonight. Only Hiro Hamada and Akira Tomoko are invited. If any others show up, both of you don't show up, or you fail to accept the compromise, more people will be destroyed in the process. You'll know when and where to find us," appeared on the screen.

Hiro dropped to his knees and began clenching his fists in rage and screaming. I punched his desk roughly. "TADASHI!" Hiro cried out. "Dammit!! Anyone who had anything to do with this will pay. I will destroy them. First Honey Lemon, now my brother.... I'm not losing anyone else!!"

I sighed angrily and then placed my hand on the young genius's shoulder reassuringly. "I'm not either. They've over powered us over and over. But I'm not letting it happen again. I'm not losing you or anybody else," I growled. "And to be sure of that, we're going alone."

"You're not coming. Only me," he argued. I shook my head.

"They said both of us," I answered sternly. He sighed in frustration.

"Then let's be prepared this go around," he ordered. He stood up boldly. They had taken his brother from him so suddenly. He had snapped and wasn't going to let them win again.

"Let's kick their asses," I answered. "For Honey and Tadashi."

"For Honey and Tadashi," he echoed. We both donned our suits and Hiro turned Baymax on.

"Hello, Hiro. Hello, Akira," the robot greeted.

"Baymax, I need you to fly with us over the city for several hours searching for Evan and Yama. Once we find them, you need to go back home until I call for you," Hiro ordered.

"You appear to be stressed and emotionally hurt," Baymax diagnosed. Hiro clenched his fists and opened his mouth to answer Baymax. Before he could get a word out, I snapped.

"Does it matter anymore, Baymax? Just do what he asked and be done with it," I spat. Baymax was silent for a moment and then hobbled over to the corner of the messy bedroom, where Hiro had stacked Baymax's armor. We assisted Baymax in getting the pieces on and then both jumped up onto his back. I adjusted my glasses before we flew out over the skyline.

"This is war," was the last thing Hiro uttered before we began searching for the villians that had done us so much wrong.

A/N: and the climax begins....

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