Chapter 51 - Revenge

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Chapter 51

(Hiro’s POV)

                “Are you sure it’s not something else?” I asked hopefully. He nodded. He flinched and pulled his head away and closed his eyes tightly.

                “Akira, shut me off!” he growled.

                “Tadashi, what’s wrong?” Honey asked.

                “AKIRA. Shut me down NOW,” he growled again. His eyes shot open and he stood up straight.

                “No, you’re fine Tadashi. Just give it a minute-,” I started. I was interrupted by a rough slap that knocked me back onto the ground. I looked up and held my stinging cheek to see Tadashi standing with his hand out. The rest of the group was gasping and backing up.

                “Zero!” A familiar voice shouted. I looked over to see Yama and Evan standing next to several robots, several of which who were holding pieces to a portal. I jumped up and looked back to Tadashi, who was standing next to me with a stoic, unmoving face.  “I think we need a rematch!”

                This was horrible timing for us. They were prepared with bots, a portal, and it appeared that the two of them were the ones who built Tadashi and were likely now controlling him. We didn’t have any weapons or our suits, Baymax wasn’t here, and we were outnumbered.

                “Akira!” Gogo shouted. Akira nodded and turned around to Tadashi, who reached out a grabbed her arm roughly.

                “Nice try,” she complimented him. Her eyes turned bright red and she stared at him for only a moment before her released his grip and collapsed on the ground. Evan stepped back nervously.

                “Why did you turn him off?” Yama angrily asked Evan. Evan nervously pulled out a remote and pressed several buttons, with no response.

                “I didn’t,” Evan replied.

                “I did,” Akira said. She took a step forwards and held her arms out in front of us to keep us back. “All of you need to run and grab the suits and Baymax. Hiro, mine is in the garage with yours. Get back here. I’ll keep them busy,” she ordered. We all nodded and ran off and she ran forwards towards to bots to deactivate them.

                By the time I flew back to the park with Baymax, I saw Gogo and Honey assisting Akira. I had brought the box of microbots from my room so she could use them to defend herself while getting her suit on. Unfortunately, Akira was scraped up a bit and Tadashi was back on. I ran over and helped defend against the few bots that remained. I tossed the box to her feet. She swung them up in a bubble around us.

                “Get your suit on,” I ordered. She took the suit from me and yanked it on. She pulled the microbots away and I saw Tadashi and the other bots as well as a completed portal, not yet turned on. “What happened?”

                “I can’t keep all of them deactivated at once. I turned some bots off and he turned himself back on. The other bots stay off when I turn them off. He doesn’t,” she explained between bursts of lasers. Fred and Wasabi ran up and joined us in the fight, which we were quickly winning.

                Within a few moments, the only enemies left were Yama, Evan, Tadashi-bot, and three normal bots holding up the portal. Tadashi’s scarred arm tissue had been torn and was showing a metallic base which had moved the hand shape into a knife.

                “Zero, we have an old friend to reunite you with,” Yama shouted. The portal turned on and a large gray-gloved hand reached out of the portal. The figure climbed out. “This is the original Baymax.” Baymax stood before us in gray and black armor. His eyes glowed red. The new Baymax continued standing next to me. “You left him in the portal. We found him with his armor torn, battery dead, and a single red card in his port. Turns out, he’s interested in destroying instead of helping people heal. We repaired him and gave him a few upgrades.” We all stepped back nervously.

                “We’ve still got this.” Gogo said. Tadashi-bot stepped forwards to swing the blade at me. I stood still. Gogo swung forwards and moved me out of the way. “Hiro! Get it together! He’s not your brother!”

                Wasabi jumped and sliced his left knife arm off, creating loose electrical currents running from his arm. Fred used his flame to burn off part of the skin outside – which, due to bad aiming, only burned off the latex on his legs, right arm, and a very small part of the right side of his face. Baymax 1.0 (I’ll refer to the original as 1.0 and the new good one as Baymax or 2.0) stepped forwards and held his fist out.

                “Rocket fist,” Evan hissed. 1.0 aimed at me and launched his fist forwards. I flinched, expecting an impact, but instead saw Tadashi jump into the way and take the punch. The loud crunch of metal followed. The fist returned to 1.0 and Tadashi-bot collapsed. “What the hell?!” Evan screamed at Tadashi-bot.

                Tadashi’s body sparked in several placed and he weakly looked up at me. I dropped to my knees by him and looked to him, wondering what happened and why he jumped in the way.

                “H-hiro-,” he choked. “I was able to get control of myself for long enough to save you.”

                “Tadashi…?” I sobbed. “Is it really you…?”

                “Yes. It’s me. That hit destroyed the chip that they were controlling me with. Get Akira over here,” he whispered. Akira ran over and kneeled down.

                “Yes, Tadashi?” She asked.

                “Come closer so I can whisper something to you,” he ordered. She nodded and leaned to his mouth, which was partly torn. He whispered several words to her and she nodded.

                “Alright,” she agreed. She sat back up and looked to me nervously.

                “Hiro, whatever battery was powering me is broken now. I’m losing power very quickly. You need to say bye to me now,” he voiced to me. Akira called the rest of the group over. Evan, Yama, and 1.0 were standing and watching.

                “Tadashi, no. You’ll be alright. We’ll finish the fight, I’ll rush you to the lab, and we’ll fix you,” I cried out. He smiled.

                “With what battery and what body?” He asked me. Tears began dripping from my eyes. I had lost him once and I wasn’t going to lose him again.

                “I don’t know! We’ll find a way!” I screamed. He smiled.

                “You’re the best brother I could have ever asked for,” he whispered. I broke down into tears. “Akira, go ahead and do it now.” She nodded. Her eyes switched to a bright red for a moment and the light in Tadashi’s eyes faded. Her eyes darkened again.

                “What did you do?” I asked nervously. 

                “I can’t tell you until we’re somewhere safe, Hiro,” she answered.

                “Hamada brothers forever. Goodbye, Hiro,” Tadashi’s voice cracked. He went limp and the electric sparks stopped moving. I screamed and cried by my brother’s side. I just lost him twice. Akira grabbed Wasabi’s hand, turned his blade on, and used his hand to cut part of Tadashi’s neck. I yelled at her and she continued cutting.

                “Hiro, I’m doing what Tadashi asked. You’ll understand when I show you, I swear,” she replied. She released Wasabi’s hand and he turned his blade off. We watched as she pulled a chip out of Tadashi’s neck and slipped it into a pocket on her suit’s belt.

                We all stood up and fought 1.0, Evan, and Yama off with their portal. They escaped. We walked slowly back to the lab and slumped down into the desks after removing our suits.

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