Chapter 23 - Love and "Zombieland"

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Chapter 23

(Akira’s POV)

                Hiro laced his fingers with mine, causing me to become extremely nervous. Does he really like me? No. There’s no way.

                “Akira, can… can I ask something?” he shyly requested. I would have lightened the mood by telling him he just did ask something by asking if he could ask, but I was so nervous I could barely say a word. I turned to look into his eyes and nodded. My heart felt as if it were going to burst through my chest. Both of our faces were red and we were both breathing quickly. “Do you… I mean I… Ugh. Nevermind…” he shook his head, exasperated with himself for being so nervous. I tightened my grip on his hand, and in return, he did the same. “Akira, I… I like… I mean, I feel… Do you… I want…” His entire body trembled and he face palmed. “Akira, I’m… I like… I’m in love with you!” he finally shouted. He released my hand and hid his face. “Shit! I didn’t mean to say that! I mean, I do but- I wanted to tell you I had a crush on you, not…” He spoke quickly and nervously and then his voice trailed off. He moved his hands from his face and looked the other way. At this point, I felt like I was going to faint because my heart was beating so fast.

                “Hiro…” I whispered. He glanced up at me, completely embarrassed. I lunged forwards and pulled him into a tight hug with my chin rested on his shoulder. “I… I love you too.” He wrapped his arms around me. And we sat in our hug for some time. He leaned back against Baymax, and I leaned back against his chest. He wrapped and arm around me while we snuggled and watching the last remaining light dip down below the horizon.

                “Since the sunset is over, we should probably head back and join everyone for the movie,” Hiro suggested. He stood up and helped me up. I nodded. Both of us were still blushing from the recent confession. “Akira? Would you maybe want to, you know, be my girlfriend?” He looked into my eyes. I nodded and hugged him to me.

                “I would love to, Hiro,” I whispered. I quickly kissed his cheek and we released each other. Hiro’s grin was absolutely magnificent and made me so happy. We both blushed and climbed onto Baymax’s back. We both put our helmets back on and he flew us down to the Café where Wasabi stood waiting for us. Hiro and I hopped off.

                “We’ve got the movie and popcorn set up by the couch in your garage,” Wasabi explained. Hiro, Baymax, and I began removing our armor while Wasabi led us into the garage. When we entered, Gogo and Fred were sitting on left side of the couch with their feet up on the coffee table. Honey was sitting in front of the couch with a bunch of pillows. The lights were off and the TV was on with the selection screen to something called “Zombieland.” The warm popcorn was on the coffee table.  Baymax took all of our suits and placed them in the back of the room in a hidden corner. Hiro reached out and took my hand sweetly, causing me to blush. Honey glanced up.

                “Aaaaw~!” She squealed. “Are you two going to sit together?” We both nodded. Hiro began to walk over to the couch, and I released his hand. He looked up at me with a confused expression.

                “Akira? You okay?” he asked.

                “Yeah. Just a bit cold. I was going to slip my sweater back on,” I began to walk to where Hiro had set our bags.

                “I can let you use my hoodie. And I can grab the blanket from the cabinet,” he answered. The rest of the group seemed focused on us.

                “I’ll get the blanket, you sit,” I suggested. He rolled his eyes while smiling and sat down. I glanced around until I saw a cabinet that was open slightly and had a blanket corner sticking out of the side. I grabbed a blanket, and before I turned around, I heard cheering. I glanced around to see everyone.

                “I’m surprised you got the guts to ask her, Genius,” Gogo mumbled while chewing her gum.

                “Dude!” Fred called excitedly and then fist bumped him. Honey grinned and squealed because her ship had finally come true. And Wasabi sat down next to Honey on the floor with the pillows and reached up to high five my boyfriend. It’s so strange to call him that, but I’m happy that I finally can. I smiled and leapt over the couch into the small space between Hiro and the arm of the couch. He already had his hoodie off and he handed it to me. I slipped it on over my head. It was warm, soft, and was covered in his scent. I blushed and handed him the blanket. He swiftly draped it over the two of us. Before we could object to it, Honey snapped another photo of us.

                “And that’s your first picture as an adorable couple!” Honey giggled. Hiro and I rolled our eyes and snuggled into each other. He put his arm around me and rested his chin on my head.

                “So I chose to bring “Zombieland” to show Akira,” Fred blurted out.

                “Isn’t that the comedy horror movie?” Hiro asked. Fred nodded.

                “Gogo and I are the only ones who have seen it,” he explained. Fred hit play on the movie and we all sat together and watched, and then hilarity broke out. A jump scare by a zombie caused Wasabi to shriek and fling his arms behind him, knocking the popcorn bowl off the table and scattering it everywhere. The same jump scare had only managed to get me to grip Hiro’s shirt and to jump slightly. We all were laughing at other points of the movie.

(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙) TIME SKIP: until movie ends (∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)

                “I still love this movie!” Fred shouted once the credits began rolling. He jumped up and popped the DVD back in its case. “Did you like it, guys?” Honey nodded happily and Wasabi gave a thumb up now that he had stopped trembling. Hiro and nodded as well. Hiro stood up and helped pull me up.

                “Are you going to go ride my hover board now?” I asked. He nodded and walked back to his and my suits.

                “We’ll be back in half an hour to do some practice with Akira’s lasers. Baymax, go ahead and stay here with everyone else,” Hiro called out as we walked to the back to get our suits on. We put our suits on and I left Hiro’s hoodie on the back of the couch. Hiro handed me my board. “There’s a clip on the back that your hover board attaches to. And your boots already have the rider soles attached,” he explained as we walked out onto the moonlit sidewalk. I glanced up to the sky.

                “And the sky continues to impress me,” I whispered beneath her breath. He smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder.

                “You ready?” 

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