Chapter 10 - Recue

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Chapter 10

(Hiro’s POV)

                I waited for Baymax to reply, but my answer had already arrived. An all so familiar humming sound of a hover board passed by my ears. Akira zipped between Baymax and me with a scared yet determined look on her face.

                “Akira!!” I screamed in joy. She sped by the villain and over one of the shelving units, turning herself sideways as she leaned down and gripped the side of her board with her hand for balance.

                “Who the hell?! Stop or I’ll shoot!” The villain shouted. This was just enough for Akira to pinpoint his position. She jerked off the shelf towards him, causing her and her board to go spiraling into the air. It all happened so fast, yet I could see it slowly happening before my eyes. She reached her arm out as the villain turned. This took his attention off of us. Her arm caught his gun as he turned.  She pulled her arm back to her chest, taking the gun with her. His hand slipped from the gun. Baymax and I ran forward. Baymax wrapped his arms around the man to keep him captive and still. Akira landed on the floor and skidded to a halt with the gun in her arms.

                “Now calling the San Fransokyo Police. They will arrive in three minutes to apprehend the man who attacked us,” Baymax informed. Akira dropped the gun on the floor and ran to me, wrapping her arms around me.

                “Hiro! Are you okay?” She buried her face in my shoulder and gripped my torso tightly.

                “Yes. Thanks to you, I’m safe.” I wrapped my arms around her and leaned my chin into the scoop in her neck. “Thank you, Akira.” She nodded and backed away slightly.

                While Baymax and I talked to the police and handed the man and the weapon in, Akira sat outside the market waiting for us.

(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙) TIME SKIP: 15 minutes while talking to police (∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)

                “You okay, Akira?” I inquired as Baymax and I walked to meet her.

                “You have a wound to your upper right arm,” Baymax answered for her.

                “Well thanks for answering for me,” she said sarcastically.

                “You are welcome,” he leaned down and lifted up the sleeve to her sweater. I could see some blood and a cut on her sweater. When he lifted the sleeve, I could see a gash in her arm. “On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate you pain?”

                “Mm… 3? It hurts now, but I didn’t notice it when it happened.”

                Baymax sprayed a little disinfectant on her cut and then wrapped it with some light bandages.

                “There, there. All better,” Baymax patted her head.

                “What happened?” I looked at her with a worried expression.

                “I think there was a sharp end on the back of the gun. When I grabbed it, I got cut. It’s not a big deal though.  I get cut all the time when I trip and fall.” She laughed to show she was okay. 

                “Alright. As long as you’re okay. Here, I’ll walk you back home. I’ll meet you at the school at the usual time to pick you up tomorrow. “I placed my hand on her shoulder and we began walking.

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