Chapter 30- Mansion

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(A/N: Sorry for the long wait for a chapter and sorry for posting it so late tonight! The semester is almost over, so I'll be writing a lot over Christmas break. :D I hope you enjoy!)

Chapter 30

(Akira's POV)

(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙) TIME SKIP: A little over a week/Friday, December 15th/the day before Hiro's birthday(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)

Hiro and I walked to school together as usual. In the time between last Monday when Cass had asked me about Hiro's birthday surprise and today, not much had occurred. Any attacks in San Fransokyo were minor and easily handled by Big Hero 7. We had been doing daily checks with Baymax for Evan, Yokai, and that guy who bombed Corebank's manufacturing building. So far, none of them had been found anywhere in the city. Hiro and I have theorized that they are inside a secret base lined with thick titanium steel or some other material that prevented Baymax's scanners from registering their presence.

On the other side of things, Henry has been added to my short list of friends. The team doesn't like hanging out with him too much, but he's still extremely nice to them. Oh well. Additionally, we told Hiro about his birthday weekend at Fred's place yesterday afternoon. Everyone is excited to get to spend the entire weekend together. Fred and Honey claimed to have planned some things to do, but the only thing they let me in on was that one of the activities is playing Arcane, which according to the team, I've become extraordinary at playing. I've leveled Xena to level 78 in the last few days, which is supposedly very difficult to get to. The maximum level is 100, so I guess I'm doing pretty well. As for now, we just had to get through the day and then Wasabi said he'd drive us over to Fred's house.

Hiro and I spent the morning working on our robotics project during class, and then lunch came. We sat at the usual table with everyone else, and then Hiro had to get up to fill his water bottle at the fountain. Honey was seated to my left and she leaned over to me.

"So, have you and Hiro kissed yet?" She squealed in a whisper. I glared at her.

"Honey? Really? Why are you asking?" I accused. She giggled.

"Because you two are adorable. Just answer the question!" She trilled. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"No, we haven't," I answered, blushing slightly. She nudged my arm as Hiro sat back down. We continued chatting at lunch as a group about how fun the weekend would be, and then went our separate ways to our fourth classes for the day. I walked over to Henry, who stood by his usual seat, next to mine. He waved and when I made it to the chair, he pulled it out for me.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Akira," he pleasantly greeted. I smiled and took the seat.

"Thanks, Henry. You too," I thanked. He sat down into the seat next to mine.

"How has your day been?" He asked as the rest of the students filed in.

"Great. What about you?" I cheerfully replied. He grinned.

"It's been good so far. Are you doing anything this weekend?" He asked. I nodded and I pulled my pencils out of my bag. "What are you up to, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Hiro's birthday is tomorrow, so we're throwing a little celebration at Fred's house," I explained. He nodded.

"Have fun. And I wish you luck on the test," he added as the Physics test was passed out.

"It's Friday, so once you're done with the test, you are free to leave," Professor Bahdari called out before sitting at his desk and going through papers. I breezed through the test, even without studying, and was the first finished. I turned the test in and before leaving, waved to Henry briefly. He smiled and waved back. When I made it outside, the rest of the team was waiting.

"What took you so long?" Hiro teased. I rolled my eyes and lightly punched his shoulder. I looked to see that everyone was panting from sprinting.

"Says the one who obviously ran as fast as he could to say that," I teased back. He grinned and threw his arm gently over my shoulder.

"Everyone ready to head out?" Wasabi asked. We all nodded and followed him out to the parking lot where his car was. There were only 5 seats, so for the short ride to Fred's home, I sat in Hiro's lap, which caused Honey to squee loudly and take pictures of us. We stopped at a large mansion.

"Why have we stopped?" I asked, very confused. Everyone laughed as we began getting out.

"This is my house," Fred answered as we pulled our bags out of the trunk of the car. My jaw dropped and Hiro had to pull me inside the huge mansion. We were greeted by a butler who gave fist bumps to everyone as they entered. Fred led us to a huge, open room with a lot of floor space, a few couches, a large TV, and a big window revealing the pool, which was covered up for the winter, in his yard.

"Wow..." I whispered. I watched as everyone else dropped their bags next to the couch, and I followed their example.

"Are we going to play Arcane now or later?" Gogo asked.

"I'm actually working some quests in the demon fields right now," I commented.

"Oh, wow! You're already in the demon fields?" Wasabi asked as we all pulled out our laptops.

"Mmhm," I answered. Hiro and I curled up next to each other on the floor with everyone else. We played Arcane for several hours until the sun set.

"Yo, Honey, remember the games we were talking about playing?" Fred asked. Honey nodded cheerfully.

"Let's log off and play one or two for a bit before we sleep," She answered.

"What games?" Hiro asked.

"How about," Fred began.

"Truth or dare?" Honey finished for him. He nodded.

"This will be very interesting," Fred chuckled to himself.

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