Chapter 42 - Abigail

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Chapter 42

(Akira’s POV)

                We couldn’t do much other than practice until 9, so we trained for the last remaining hours.  We walked to the meeting location by the docks.

                Upon arrival, we surveyed the scene. It was just like most mysterious bad scenes – dark, a few street lights, empty road with no people, and a decent wind.

                We quietly waited for movement, nervously watching every dark corner and alley. We drew our weapons at the approaching sound of footfall and microbots hitting each other in a violent whirl. Four men, one standing atop a large grouping of microbots, came strolling down the street. Wasabi activated his blades, Gogo got into a pre-running position, Honey placed her hand nervously to her purse, Fred readied his flame, I jumped onto my hover board, and Hiro and Baymax stepped forwards to take charge. The four men came closer, but didn’t attack. They stopped a few yards in front of us. Roderick stepped forwards and bowed.

                “Thank you for joining us this evening,” Roderick greeted. I looked to his arm, which, likely due to its uselessness after being shot by my lasers, was replaced with a robotic arm. Hiro stepped forwards and addressed them.

                “Evan, Roderick, and… Henry,” Hiro growled the last name. “None of you have any reasons to attack us. And Yokai, yeah, I know we got you arrested after defeating you several months ago, but we saved your daughter! If it wasn’t for us, she’d still be in there!” He tried, for once, to use his words to convince them to not fight us rather than resort to violence.

                “I came because Mr. Callaghan promised me a wonderful show and plenty of colorful explosions,” Roderick explained.

                “I’m here for the promise of lots of money and power as well as research in return for my robotics knowledge,” Evan answered.

                “Hiro, I thought it would have been obvious for you to see that I’m willingly fighting you for bloodshed and dissection – complete with torture of course,” Henry spoke in his British accent. Callaghan moved himself and his microbots closer so he would be in front. Hiro looked towards Yokai to see his mask staring back.

                “Yokai, call your men off. You have no reason to fight us,” Hiro urged. “Like I said before, we saved your daughter Abigail.”

                “Saved her?! You selfish little brat. Do you even care about anything other than the glory of being a hero?! Do you even know what happened to Abigail after you ‘saved’ her?!” He shouted in anger. I looked to Hiro in hopes of a good answer that would resolve this.

                “No… I-…,” He attempted to answer but couldn’t find a good reply.

                “You killed her!” He screamed at Hiro.

                “What are you talking about? He rescued your daughter from the portal and got her medical attention!” I argued back.

                “My daughter died the day after being pulled from the portal by you! Had you just left her in there, she would have survived in hyper sleep until I could find a better way to save her! It’s your fault she’s really dead!” Yokai continued.

                “What…? How did Abigail die? The EMTs said she was just fine,” Honey asked in shock. Yokai kept glaring at Hiro in a bitter rage.

                “Her body and mind were deteriorating the whole time she was in there. And I could have fixed her if I had more time,” he repeated.

                “Had I left her in there, you would have been just as upset!” Hiro shouted back.

                “You’re wrong. She would be alive now if it wasn’t for you! I’ll give you two choices, you can either all turn yourselves in to us and give up, or you can fight us until you can’t fight anymore,” Callaghan finished.

                “Then we’ll fight!” Hiro screamed.

                “You can injure them however you want, but don’t kill them, especially Hiro. They’re mine,” Yokai directed to Evan, Roderick, and Henry.

                Instantly, we were thrown into battle. Henry drew two blades, Roderick’s robotic arm shifted into a heavy hammer, and Evan drew the special gun they had tried using on us before, and Callaghan moved more microbots out of the bay waters.

                Wasabi went up against Henry, Gogo went for Evan, and Fred and Honey teamed up against Roderick while Hiro, Baymax, and I fought Callaghan and his microbots. We were quickly overcome by the microbots and surrounded. Baymax shielded us while I blasted as many microbots as I could at once. Gogo, Fred, Wasabi, and Honey quickly won against the three villians. They ran through and pulled us from the microbots. We regrouped and pressed on to take the mask from Yokai.

                “Akira! We’ll distract him! Ride over the microbots on your board and get the mask!” Hiro shouted to me. I nodded and sped up around back to him, keeping the board against the bots so that each time he tried to attack me, my board would simply hover over the black metallic masses so he couldn’t hit me. I made it to him and ripped the mask off making the mounds of bots collapse. 

                “Yeah! I can’t believe we won!” Fred shouted! I threw the mask into the air and blew it apart with my lasers.

                “Unlike all of you, I learn from my weaknesses and mistakes,” Yokai said. He grinned and began laughing maniacally. We looked to him, confused.

                “Dude, you lost,” Gogo pointed out.

                “I don’t think so,” he argued. The microbots came back to life and moved back into their previous clusters. “If my mask can be taken off and cause me to lose, then all I have to do if prevent the controller from being able to be removed.” He pointed to his forehead, which upon looking closer, were noticeable scars on his temples. “Implants. And now, you can’t win,” he concluded. We all stepped back as he rose higher above us.

                “What do we do?” Wasabi asked Hiro nervously.

                “I don’t know,” he admitted. “The only way to win is to kill him, and Baymax can’t harm a human, and none of us want to be murderers.”

                An arm of microbots stabbed down to attack, but was blocked by one of Honey’s chemical reaction balls. Another swung out to attack, followed by more. At first, we held our own and were able to defend ourselves.

(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙) TIME SKIP: 2 hours – time spent defending against Yokai’s attacks (∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)

                I lunged to defend myself, but was knocked down. My limp, tired, wounded body was flung back and I hit the dock with a heavy thud. I tried to stand back up, but couldn’t. I looked weakly to the only members of our team who hadn’t been knocked down and unconscious – Baymax and Hiro. Their suits were heavily damaged, and Hiro was bleeding from his knuckles, left arm, forehead, and nose. He was giving everything he had to protect the rest of us. A cluster of microbots left a gash in Hiro’s leg. He bit his lip in pain, but continued to fight them off with Baymax. I forced myself to sit up to help my boyfriend. Once I sat up, before I was able to stand back up, a sharp pain hit my side. I looked down to see some microbots wrapped around a needle filled with a liquid. I was injected with the unknown substance immediately into my side. Within moments, I blacked out.

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