Chapter 16 - Seeing Hiro

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Chapter 16

(Hiro’s POV)

                We all were greeted by Aunt Cass as we made it inside.

                “Hello, everyone!” Cass cheered. “Are you here for lunch?” We nodded hungrily and sat down at a table.

                “I have some chemistry work to catch up on for class, so I’ll have to run back to my place after lunch. I can join all of you tonight for the surprise Hiro’s been talking about,” Honey explained.

                “I’ve got to head out too until tonight,” Fred added. Cass brought us each some ramen noodles and continued to work.

                “Then we can all go our separate ways until 7:15 tonight. We can meet up in front of the café and then start right before sunset,” I recommended in between eating noodles.

                “Sounds good to me, although,” Gogo continued. “I think Akira should stay here so the two of you can hang out.”

                “Alright,” Akira answered.

(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙) TIME SKIP: 30 mins while eating lunch (∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)

                Not long after lunch, everyone except for Akira had left. We both sat upstairs on my bed. I glanced over to her. She was twiddling her thumbs nervously.

                “Are you alright?” I asked. She blushed and bit her lip. Before she could answer, Baymax spoke up.

                “I will scan her,” Baymax stated.

                “Baymax don’t-,” I started

                “Scan complete. Akira’s experiencing-,” he began. She giggled.

                “Baymax, let her answer for herself,” I demanded. He nodded.

                “Sorry. Thank you, Hiro,” she replied. “I have another weird question to ask you…” I blushed. “It’s really embarrassing to ask, but I really want to ask before tonight,” she continued. I stared at her, beginning to blush even more. She looked down at her lap shyly and blushed. “Can… I… May I… um… see you?” She covered her face with her hands shyly. “I want to see you before tonight so I’m not surprised… And… I have to be… you know… really close to your face to see you, so…,” she trailed off. I laughed. She’s so cute when she’s embarrassed.

                “Of course, Akira,” I agreed. She nodded and turned towards me. I turned to her and scooted up close. I could hear her nervous breathing.

                “Can I close my eyes until you move your face close enough for me to see?”

                “Mmhm. The furthest parts of my face, my eyes, need to be 5 inches from your eyes, right? So the closest, my nose, needs to be within 2 inches?” I asked. She nodded and removed her glasses. Her eyes were closed tightly.

                “You can move forward now,” she whispered nervously. I moved until the tip of my nose was almost touching hers. My face turned the reddest it’s ever been.

                “Alright,” I whispered. “You can look.” She opened her eyes slowly. Her red-wine eyes stared into my brown eyes.

                “Oh, Hiro,” she whispered with a hint of amazement in her voice. Both of our faces were red from the close proximity to each other. I watched her carefully as she moved her head slightly in each direction to get a better look. Our noses brushed together and she pulled away instantly.

Akira’s POV

I opened my eyes to be met with a pair of beautiful brown eyes.  He’s so handsome

“Oh, Hiro.” His name accidently escaped my mouth in a whisper. I blushed as I stared at the perfection before me.  I moved my eyes across his features, and he followed mine carefully. Hiro had messy black hair, slightly tanned skin with a deep blush over his cheeks, and his eyes were a magnificent brown. I unconsciously leaned in slightly, causing the tip of my nose to touch his. I jerked away, embarrassed by my accident and slipped my glasses back onto my face. “S-sorry, Hiro,” I muttered.

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