Chapter 4 - New Friends

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Chapter 4

(Akira POV)

My adoptive mother had dropped me off at 11:07. I was late. I raced towards to Institute’s steps, tripping several times along the way. I heard some chatter up ahead on the steps and then somebody’s footsteps rushing towards me.

“Whoa. Slow down, Akira! You’ll trip and hurt yourself!” A familiar voice called. It was Hiro. I slowed down and panted.

“Sorry. I panicked because I was late.” He laughed a little.

“It’s just fine.” It sounded like he was smiling while talking, but I couldn’t quite tell. “Hey, guys! Come over here,” Hiro called to the group. I heard several footsteps heading towards me. “One at a time so she can hear your individual voices.”

“Thank you, Hiro,” I admitted.

First, a light cheery voice spoke. “Hi! My name is Honey Lemon. I’m glad to meet you, Akira. Hiro was telling us all about you last night and while we were waiting for you this morning.” I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment.

Then, a deep but slightly squeaky male voice. “I’m Fred Zilla and the leader of the group.”

A slightly higher, but more relaxed male voice. “No he’s not. Don’t listen to him. I’m Wasabi No-Ginger.”

Finally, a lower female voice. “Gogo Tomogo.” A popping of a gum bubble followed her introduction.

The familiar monotone voice of Baymax spoke up. “Friends make everything better.”

“So what’s the plan for the day?” Wasabi asked.

“Lunch and a movie?” Fred suggested.

“Sounds good,” Wasabi replied.

“Guys. We can’t do the second part…” Honey reminded the group.

“Oh. Woops. Sorry, Akira,” Fred apologized.

“It’s okay. That happens a lot,” I admitted.

“Lunch and then just walk around town? Maybe shop?” Honey suggested.

“I’m cool with that,” Hiro answered. It fell silent again and then I realized they were all waiting for my response.

“Oh. Sorry.” I rubbed the back of my head. “That works for me.” I smiled. I heard the footsteps of the group walking, and then Baymax placed his hand on my shoulder. It was soft and balloon-like.

“I will help guide you to make sure you go the right way,” Baymax said. I nodded in return and began walking with the group. This will certainly make an interesting group, I thought.

(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙) TIME SKIP: 1 MONTH (∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)

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