Chapter 12 - Design

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Chapter 12

(Hiro’s POV)

Akira and I sat on the edge of a cliff watching the sunset and talking about video games and robots, when she suddenly turned to face me. I had somehow genetically altered her and healed her eyes completely, so she could see me. She leaned forwards looking into my eyes and I looked into hers.

“Hiro,” she whispered my name delicately. She reached her arm out and brushed my bangs out of my face softly and smiled. “Hiro,” she called again, slightly louder. My name sounded so special when she said it. I leaned closer to her, closed my eyes, and almost reached her lips. “Oh, Hiro, come on. Open your eyes,” Akira called.

“Yes?” I answered. I opened my eyes to see Akira in my garage looking down at me, with her hand on my shoulder. I blushed darkly at her sudden appearance after the dream and, in a panic, jumped out of my chair and under my desk to hide my face in the shadows. I moved my hands to my face for more cover. What the hell was that Hiro?! Nope nope nope nope. That dream was like a freaking girl’s dream. Don’t pull that shit again, stupid brain. Not cool. Now she’ll see me blushing and-………..Wait.

She kneeled down to be on my level. “Geez, Hiro. Did I scare you so badly you fell out of your chair?” She laughed. I climbed out from under my desk, remembering that Akira couldn’t see my embarrassment from that stupid dream I had.

“Yeah, sorry,” I stood up and helped her up. “I must have fallen asleep down here while working on stuff. Oh geez, it’s not long after 5 AM. Why are you here so early?” I closed my laptop lid to hide the image of my surprise, forgetting yet again that my action was useless because she couldn’t see.

“I didn’t get much sleep last night because of how excited I was. I woke up at 4, got ready, and came down here. Your aunt was downstairs getting the café ready, so I knocked and she let me in. Baymax told me that I’d find you down here asleep at your desk. I came down here, and here we are now,” Akira explained.  I glanced down at my clothes. I was in my pjs.

“You’re a bit early, but we can get started. I’m actually in my pjs at the moment, so I’ll grab my clothes from upstairs and then change down here while we talk about your design.” I raced up the steps, grabbed my clothes from my room, and raced back down.  When I returned, I saw her and Baymax sitting on the floor waiting for me. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to go ahead and change here. You can’t see me and I want to start discussing the design, so…”

“That’s fine,” she called back. I began removing my clothes.

“Basic color?” I inquired.

“I’ve always wanted to see the sky. But that’s too far away to see. So light blue and a touch of white maybe?”

“Sure.” I walked over to my desk and typed her requests down while I yanked my pants on.  “Weapons and tools?”

“If possible, I’d love to use my hover board and the laser shooters I designed last week.”

“Got it. I guess with the hover board the most important places to place armor, other than your head and chest, are your elbows, knees, and hands.” She nodded.

“Wait, I need to be able to feel easily with my hands,” She worried.

“Alright. I’ll use a thin material that will still keep you protected from normal scrapes and bruises, then. Anything else you’d like to add for fun?”

“Nope. That’s sounds good.” I slipped my shirt on, ran my fingers through my hair to comb it, and then grabbed my laptop. 

“It’s still a bit early, but we can continue by heading down to the lab and scanning you,” I offered. She nodded and stood up with Baymax.  “Just let me grab my shoes and my hoodie then.”

(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙) TIME SKIP: 10 minutes while walking to the lab (∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)(∙-∙)

“I got some work done last night on your surprise, so all I have to do is scan you and print your armor. Then we’re done,” I chimed as I walked up the steps to the lab in the early morning light. She cheerfully followed with Baymax. I unlocked the door for her.

“Thank you, kind Sir,” she teased as she walked in. I laughed.

“You’re very welcome, Madame,” I responded.  We walked into the lab and I plugged my laptop in to the main computer.

“Mind if I play some music?” she offered.

“I was just about to suggest that,” I stated. She pulled her speaker out of her back pack and plugged it into her phone. I turned around to begin setting up the programs to make her suit. Suddenly “Immortals” by Fall Out Boy began playing. “Great choice.”

“Thank you,” she acknowledged.

“Alright, stand straight, arms out. I need to scan you,” I requested. She nodded and did so. Within moments, I had the armor fit to her form and ready to print. A frail female figure with a black under-suit, pale blue metal padding on her elbows, knees, shoulders, and chest, light blue helmet of a similar design to mine, and a few white accents to top it off stood on my laptop screen. She rolled her chair over next to me and sat down.

“May I see it before you print it?”

“Mmhm.” I pulled the monitor closer to her so she could see the rendering of it. Her face lit up happily.

“This is going to be awesome!” She squealed. I set the lab up to start printing her suit.

“It’ll take an hour or two and then you can try it on. For now, we’ve got some time to kill. I have your surprise set up to print too, but I’d like to wait until tonight for that. “

“Hiro, you’re driving me crazy by telling me you have a surprise but not telling me what it is. Can I at least get a hint?” I reached out to her and took both of her hands in mine, looking directly at her.

“Akira, I’m going to fix you. You’re going to see the world tonight.”

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