Celebrating In Style

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Chapter 12: Celebrating in Style

The group of friends made their way to a popular restaurant known for its vibrant atmosphere and delicious food. Laughter and chatter filled the air as they settled into a large booth, the excitement of the talent showcase still buzzing in their veins. Theo texted earlier that he couldn't make it after all but that was fine with them because intak and Jiung came anyway.

Keeho slid into the booth next to Soul, his arm draping casually over Soul's shoulders. "This is perfect! We just performed like rock stars, and now we're going to feast like kings!" he declared, grinning widely.

"Don't get too full before dessert!" Intak chimed in, sliding into the booth across from them. "I heard they have the best chocolate cake in town."

Jiung, sitting beside Intak, nodded enthusiastically. "I'm definitely getting a piece of that!"

Keeho turned to Soul, a teasing glint in his eyes. "So, Soul, since we won the showcase, you have to tell us your secret. How did you manage to be so incredible up there?"

Soul felt a rush of warmth at Keeho's compliment, though he quickly shrugged it off. "I just followed your lead, Keeho. You were the one who brought all the energy!"

Keeho leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a playful whisper. "Oh, come on! Don't sell yourself short. You've got talent, and I can't help but show off a bit when I'm around you."

Soul's heart raced as Keeho's playful demeanor enveloped him, and he looked down shyly, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks. "Thanks," he murmured, unsure of how to handle Keeho's flirtation.

As the waiter arrived to take their orders, Keeho kept his arm around Soul, playfully squeezing his shoulder as he ordered his food. "And I'll have the biggest steak you have! I need to fuel up for more dancing later."

"Steak? Really?" Jiung raised an eyebrow. "What are you, a caveman?"

Keeho laughed, unbothered. "Hey, a guy needs his protein! You know how it is, right, Soul?"

"Um, I guess?" Soul replied, his mind racing with thoughts of Keeho's closeness.

After placing their orders, the group settled into lighthearted banter. Jiung and Intak teased each other about their respective dance skills, while Keeho remained close to Soul, occasionally brushing his fingers against Soul's arm or resting his hand on the back of his chair.

"Hey, Soul," Keeho said suddenly, leaning in with a playful smirk. "If I promise to let you pick dessert, will you promise to save a dance just for me later?"

Soul's heart raced at Keeho's words, and he nodded shyly. "Sure, I can do that."

Keeho beamed at him, his smile infectious. "Perfect! It's a date—sort of," he added with a wink.

Intak watched the exchange, a teasing smile on his face. "Look at you two! It's like a romance movie in here."

Jiung chuckled, shaking his head. "More like a comedy with all the blushing happening. Soul, you're a terrible liar! You're totally into him!"

Soul tried to protest, but Keeho cut in, grinning widely. "What can I say? I'm pretty irresistible!"

The food arrived, and everyone dug in, the conversation flowing as they shared stories and laughter. Keeho continued to be touchy, casually leaning against Soul or brushing his fingers along his arm. Soul couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and excitement every time Keeho made contact.

After they finished their meal, Keeho leaned closer to Soul, whispering, "Okay, it's time for dessert! And I'm going to get you a piece of that chocolate cake. You have to try it!"

"Alright, but only if you share," Soul replied, feeling bolder with Keeho's playful energy surrounding him.

Keeho grinned, his eyes sparkling. "Deal! But I'm going to need a bite of yours too, just to make it fair."

As they shared the decadent dessert, Keeho kept stealing glances at Soul, his playful flirtation lighting up the room. "You know," he said, wiping a bit of chocolate from the corner of his mouth, "I think you look especially cute when you're all shy like this."

Soul felt his face flush, and he looked down at his plate, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Keeho, stop it!"

"What? I'm just being honest," Keeho replied, his tone teasing. "I'm here to shower you with compliments, remember?"

The rest of the group laughed, and Soul buried his face in his hands, feeling overwhelmed yet happy. "You're too much," he mumbled, but a smile broke through as he glanced up at Keeho.

After finishing their meal, Keeho stood up, stretching his arms dramatically. "Alright, time to dance! Who's ready to show off our moves again?"

"Is there a dance floor here?" Intak asked, looking around.

Keeho waved a hand dismissively. "Who needs a dance floor? We can dance right here!"

Soul chuckled, feeling the infectious energy around them. As Keeho began to dance in the middle of the restaurant, everyone cheered him on. Jiung and Intak joined in, and Soul couldn't help but get swept up in the fun.

Keeho danced closer to Soul, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the center of the impromptu dance party. "Come on, Soul! Show them what you've got!"

With Keeho's encouragement, Soul felt his shyness begin to fade. The laughter and excitement in the air made it easy to let loose. He joined Keeho, the two of them dancing and laughing, surrounded by their friends' cheers.

As the night went on, Keeho remained close, his playful touches and flirty remarks keeping Soul's heart racing. With every smile and glance they shared, Soul knew this was a night he would never forget.

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Get ready for the next chapter I've got something planned! 🫶

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