The Hangout

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Chapter 50: The Hangout

A few days had passed since Keeho's surprise visit and his confession, but Soul still couldn't wrap his mind around it. He kept replaying the moment in his head—the way Keeho had said he liked him, the sincerity in his eyes. It felt surreal, and every time Soul thought about it, his heart would start racing all over again.

But today wasn't the day to dwell on it. Theo, Jiung, Intak, Jongseob, and Keeho had all planned a hangout, and Soul had agreed to join. The five of them hadn't hung out like this in a while, and Soul was looking forward to some fun and distraction. He needed something to take his mind off everything, even if Keeho was going to be there, too.

Soul arrived at the meeting spot first, a quiet little park that the group often used for hangouts. The late afternoon sun was warm, casting long shadows on the grass, and a soft breeze rustled through the trees. He sat on one of the benches, pulling out his phone to check the time.

"Hey, you're early."

Soul looked up to see Jiung approaching, his usual bright smile in place. Jiung always had this calm, friendly energy about him that put everyone at ease. "I thought I was gonna be late," Soul admitted.

"Nah, we're all pretty chill today," Jiung said, sitting down beside him. "Theo and Intak should be here soon, and Keeho's probably on his way."

At the mention of Keeho, Soul felt his heart skip a beat again. He had no idea how he was going to act around Keeho after everything that had happened. Would it be awkward? Would Keeho still tease him like before?

Before Soul could spiral too much, Theo and Intak showed up, laughing about something as they walked over. "Yo!" Intak called out, waving enthusiastically.

Theo gave a more subdued wave, but his smile was warm as he approached. "Hey, guys. What's up?"

"Not much, just waiting for Keeho and Jongseob," Jiung said, leaning back on the bench.

Theo glanced around. "Jongseob said he'd be late, but Keeho should be here any minute."

As if on cue, Keeho appeared from around the corner, his usual confident swagger in place. He was dressed casually, but he still looked effortlessly cool, wearing a black hoodie and jeans. Soul's breath caught in his throat when their eyes met, and Keeho flashed him a knowing smile.

"Did I miss anything?" Keeho asked, strolling over to join the group.

"Not yet," Intak replied, grinning. "We're just getting started."

The group settled in, chatting and laughing as they caught up. Theo and Intak started playfully arguing about which of them was the better dancer, and Jiung was quick to egg them on, suggesting they have a little dance-off to settle the debate.

"I'm down," Theo said, his competitive streak showing. "You ready, Intak?"

"Always," Intak replied, stretching his arms. "You sure you're up for this?"

The group quickly moved to a flat area in the park, with Jiung pulling up some music on his phone. Theo and Intak took their places, both of them hyped up and ready to prove themselves.

Keeho stood beside Soul, watching the scene unfold. "This is gonna be fun," he murmured, leaning a little closer to Soul.

Soul tried to ignore the way Keeho's presence made him feel—his closeness, his warmth. "Yeah, should be."

As the music started, Theo and Intak began their dance-off. Theo moved with precision, his steps sharp and controlled, while Intak's style was more fluid and energetic. Both of them were incredibly talented, and the rest of the group cheered them on, laughing and shouting encouragement.

Soul found himself getting caught up in the moment, enjoying the lighthearted competition. It was exactly the distraction he needed.

But then, just as Theo finished his turn and Intak was about to start his second round, Keeho suddenly stepped forward. "Hold up, hold up. Let me get in on this."

Theo raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on his face. "You think you can keep up?"

Keeho grinned, his eyes glinting with mischief. "I can do more than keep up."

Jiung quickly switched the music to something more upbeat, and Keeho took his spot in the center, his confidence radiating as he prepared to dance. Soul watched, his heart pounding in anticipation.

The music kicked in, and Keeho didn't waste a second. His movements were smooth and effortless, each step perfectly in sync with the beat. He combined sharp pops with fluid waves, showing off his versatility and control. The others watched in awe, cheering as Keeho moved across the space with ease.

Soul couldn't take his eyes off him. Keeho was captivating, the way he danced with so much confidence and charisma. Every move he made seemed effortless, like he was born to dance.

But then, just as the routine was about to end, Keeho turned to Soul, his eyes locking onto his. Without missing a beat, he grabbed Soul's hand and pulled him into the center.

"Your turn," Keeho said, grinning as he nudged Soul forward.

Soul's eyes widened in panic. "What? No way, I can't—"

"Come on, don't be shy," Keeho teased, standing close behind him. "You've got moves, I know it."

The others were watching now, and Soul felt his face heat up. "I-I'm not that good," he mumbled, trying to pull away, but Keeho wasn't having it.

Keeho leaned in, his voice low. "Just dance with me."

Soul's heart skipped a beat, and before he could protest, Keeho started moving again, guiding Soul with him. It wasn't anything complicated—just a few simple steps—but the way Keeho moved with him made it feel like something more. Like they were in sync.

The others cheered them on, but all Soul could focus on was the feeling of Keeho's hand on his, the warmth of his touch, and the way their bodies moved together. It felt... natural. Easy.

When the song finally ended, Soul was breathless, his face flushed from more than just the dancing. Keeho smiled down at him, his hand still holding Soul's.

"You did great," Keeho said softly, his eyes gleaming with something deeper than just teasing.

Soul looked away, his heart racing. "Thanks," he mumbled, feeling embarrassed but also strangely... happy.

Before he could dwell on it too much, Jongseob finally arrived, phone in hand as usual. "Sorry I'm late. What did I miss?"

"Just a dance-off," Theo said, grinning. "And Keeho dragging Soul into it."

Jongseob raised an eyebrow, glancing between Keeho and Soul. "Sounds like I missed something interesting."

Keeho just laughed, pulling Soul back to the bench as the group started to settle down again. But as they sat down, Keeho didn't let go of Soul's hand.

Soul glanced down at their intertwined fingers, his heart fluttering. He wasn't sure where things were headed with Keeho, but for the first time, he didn't mind letting things unfold at their own pace.

Next Chapter Preview:

As the group's hangout continues, Soul finds himself growing even closer to Keeho. But just when he thinks things are starting to make sense, a sudden, unexpected moment throws him off balance once again.

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Idk if anyone is even reading this tbh 😔 I'll continue to write anyway! 🫶

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