The Aftermath

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Chapter 54: The Aftermath

Soul and Keeho walked hand in hand through the mall, a newfound sense of exhilaration coursing through them. The kiss had ignited a spark between them, and Soul couldn't help but steal glances at Keeho, who looked ridiculously happy with a broad grin plastered on his face.

"Can you believe we finally did that?" Keeho asked, his voice brimming with excitement.

Soul shrugged, a shy smile creeping onto his face. "I mean, we've been dancing around it for a while now."

"Yeah, but it's different now, isn't it?" Keeho replied, squeezing Soul's hand. "We're official!"

"Official?" Soul echoed, trying to hide the way his heart fluttered at the thought. "Does that mean we have to tell everyone?"

Keeho laughed, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Only if you want to! But honestly, I'm kind of looking forward to seeing the look on Jongseob's face when he finds out."

Soul chuckled, knowing their friend would definitely have something to say about it. "Okay, but let's not make a big deal out of it... yet."

As they exited the mall, they spotted Theo, Jiung, Intak, and Jongseob waiting for them outside. Their friends immediately noticed the way Keeho and Soul were holding hands, and a chorus of surprised gasps erupted.

"Whoa, what's this?" Theo said, raising an eyebrow with a teasing grin. "You two look awfully cozy."

"Yeah, since when did you start holding hands?" Jiung chimed in, crossing his arms with a smirk.

Keeho didn't miss a beat. "Since about an hour ago, actually."

Soul's cheeks flushed at the playful tone in Keeho's voice, and he shot him a warning look. "Keeho!"

Jongseob's eyes widened in realization. "Wait, are you guys...? No way!"

Soul nodded, his heart racing as he felt the heat of embarrassment wash over him. "We are."

"Dude, this is awesome!" Intak exclaimed, throwing an arm around both Keeho and Soul's shoulders. "I knew it! You guys were practically radiating chemistry."

Theo leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "So, how was the kiss? Was it everything you hoped for?"

Soul's face turned crimson. "I—uh..."

Keeho chuckled, clearly enjoying the teasing. "It was better than I imagined."

"Okay, but now I want the details," Jongseob insisted, leaning forward with genuine curiosity. "Did you close your eyes? Did you have butterflies? Come on, spill!"

Soul felt overwhelmed, the playful banter sending his mind racing. "We, uh... we kissed. That's all."

"Just a kiss?" Jiung asked, smirking knowingly. "I'm pretty sure there's more to it than that."

Keeho leaned in closer to Soul, a cheeky smile on his face. "Well, let's just say it left me wanting more."

Soul elbowed Keeho lightly, trying to hide his embarrassment but unable to suppress the grin that broke through. "You're terrible."

"Am I?" Keeho shot back, his eyes sparkling. "Or am I just being honest?"

Their friends continued to tease them, but Soul found comfort in the warmth of Keeho's hand in his and the laughter surrounding them. It felt surreal to be out in the open about their relationship, but the support from their friends made it easier.

As they made their way to a nearby café, Keeho pulled Soul aside, a more serious look crossing his face. "Hey, just so you know, I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything you're not ready for."

Soul met Keeho's gaze, his heart swelling with affection. "I know. I feel the same way. I just want to take things slow."

Keeho smiled, relief washing over his features. "Good. I'm really happy we're doing this together."

With their unspoken understanding, they rejoined their friends at the café. They settled in with drinks and pastries, laughter filling the air as stories were shared and playful arguments broke out over who had the best dessert.

As the evening went on, Soul found himself glancing at Keeho more often, unable to shake the feeling of warmth and comfort that enveloped him when they were together. There was something about this new phase of their relationship that felt right—like they were finally stepping into the light after wandering in the shadows for far too long.

"Okay, but seriously," Theo interjected, leaning across the table. "Are you guys going to make it official on social media? I need to see the couple selfies."

Soul blinked in surprise, his cheeks heating up again. "W-What? I don't know about that..."

Keeho shrugged, a teasing smile on his lips. "Why not? We could do a cute post with a cheesy caption."

Soul buried his face in his hands, mortified at the idea. "I can't handle that!"

"Come on, Soul. Embrace it!" Jiung encouraged. "You're cute, and you should show it off!"

Keeho leaned closer to Soul, a playful glint in his eyes. "I'll take the picture. We can make it really cute, I promise."

Soul peeked out from behind his hands, his heart racing. "Fine, but just one!"

"Deal!" Keeho declared, his excitement infectious.

As the group continued to banter, Soul felt a sense of peace wash over him. It was a new beginning, and he couldn't wait to see where this journey with Keeho would lead them.

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