An unexpected moment

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Chapter 7: An Unexpected Moment

Monday rolled around, and Soul walked through the school hallway, still buzzing from his hangout with Keeho over the weekend. The memories of dancing and teasing each other filled his mind, making him smile like an idiot as he approached his locker.

As he turned the corner, he bumped into Keeho, who was leaning casually against the wall, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "Hey, dance partner!" he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I've been looking for you!"

"Hey!" Soul replied, his heart fluttering at Keeho's enthusiasm. "What's up?"

Keeho glanced around the bustling hallway, then leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "I have a surprise for you, but you have to trust me. Come with me!"

Before Soul could respond, Keeho grabbed his wrist and pulled him away from the crowd, navigating through the maze of lockers and students. Soul felt a mix of confusion and thrill as he followed Keeho, unable to hide the smile forming on his face.

"Where are we going?" Soul asked, trying to keep up with Keeho's pace.

"Just trust me, it'll be fun!" Keeho replied, his excitement infectious. They turned a corner, and Keeho led him into an empty classroom, closing the door behind them with a soft click.

Soul looked around, taking in the dusty desks and shelves lined with textbooks. "What are we doing in here?"

Keeho turned to face him, a playful smirk on his lips. "We're going to practice our dance moves in peace! Plus, I figured we could use a little break from all those people out there."

"Here?" Soul asked, raising an eyebrow. "What if someone catches us?"

Keeho shrugged, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "That's part of the fun! Besides, I wanted some alone time with you. You know, to work on that charm of yours." He winked, leaning closer, making Soul's heart race.

Soul felt a rush of excitement at Keeho's words. "Okay, I'm in. What do you have in mind?"

Keeho stepped back, clearing a small space in the middle of the room. "Let's start with the moves we practiced! I'll show you how to add a little flair." He began demonstrating some steps, his body moving fluidly to an imaginary beat.

Soul watched intently, trying to focus on the dance while also being aware of Keeho's playful energy. As Keeho danced, he turned back to Soul, a cheeky grin on his face. "Ready to show me your best moves? Don't hold back this time!"

Soul nodded, feeling a surge of confidence. He stepped into the makeshift dance floor and let the rhythm take over. He executed the moves they had practiced, adding a little extra flair as Keeho had suggested.

"Nice! But where's the wink?" Keeho teased, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall, watching intently.

"Fine, fine," Soul replied, trying to suppress his laughter. He added the wink at the end of his routine, and Keeho burst into laughter, clapping his hands in delight.

"Perfect! Now we're getting somewhere," Keeho said, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "But we need to up the ante."

He stepped closer, guiding Soul's movements with gentle nudges. "This time, let's add a little more... Keeho charm." He danced alongside Soul, their bodies moving in sync as he taught him how to incorporate playful gestures and flirtatious moves into the routine.

Soul felt a rush of exhilaration as he danced next to Keeho, their chemistry palpable. Keeho's infectious energy fueled his confidence, and he couldn't help but smile every time Keeho teased him.

After a few more rounds of practice, they both collapsed onto a desk, laughing breathlessly. Keeho leaned back, grinning widely. "See? This is way more fun than being out there in the crowd."

Soul nodded, still catching his breath. "Yeah, it really is. I'm glad you dragged me in here."

Keeho turned to him, his expression softening. "You know, Soul, you've really come a long way since you first arrived. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Keeho," Soul replied, feeling warmth spread in his chest. "I couldn't have done it without you."

Keeho flashed his signature grin, the kind that made Soul's heart flutter. "Well, it's not over yet. We've got a showcase to prepare for, and I'll be right here to make sure you shine."

Just then, the sound of footsteps approached, and they both froze, glancing at the door. "Uh-oh, we might have company," Keeho whispered, his eyes wide with excitement.

Before they could react, the door swung open, revealing Intak and Jiung, both looking surprised. "What are you two doing in here?" Intak asked, a teasing smile forming on his lips.

"We were just... practicing!" Keeho replied, trying to sound casual while suppressing a laugh.

Jiung raised an eyebrow. "Practicing, huh? More like getting a little too cozy, I see."

Soul felt his cheeks heat up, but Keeho just grinned. "What can I say? Soul here is a natural. You two should join us!"

As the laughter filled the room, Soul realized that despite the unexpected interruption, he wouldn't trade this moment for anything. Surrounded by his friends, he felt like he truly belonged.

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