Lost In Perfection

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Chapter 21: Lost in Perfection

The school day had drawn to a close, but Soul found it hard to concentrate on anything else other than Keeho. As they all gathered in the school courtyard, the warm afternoon sun bathed everything in a golden glow, making Keeho look even more radiant than usual.

"Come on, Soul! What's taking you so long?" Keeho called out, his voice playful as he leaned casually against a tree. The sunlight caught his hair, giving it a soft halo effect, and Soul couldn't help but admire the way his features seemed to glow.

"Just... enjoying the view!" Soul blurted out, immediately regretting his words. He felt his cheeks flush, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from Keeho's perfect smile, the way his eyes sparkled with mischief, and the effortless charisma that radiated off him.

Keeho raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile creeping across his lips. "Enjoying the view, huh? You must really like what you see!"

Soul fumbled for words, flustered. "I—um, I meant... the scenery!" he stammered, trying to deflect the attention, but it was no use. Keeho's presence was mesmerizing, and the way he stood there, confident and charming, made Soul's heart race.

"Sure, sure. We'll go with that!" Keeho teased, his tone light and playful. He pushed himself off the tree and walked closer to Soul, the distance between them shrinking with every step.

"Look at you, all flustered! It's adorable!" Keeho said, leaning in just a bit closer, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Soul felt like he might explode from embarrassment. "I'm not flustered!" he insisted, even as his cheeks burned hotter.

Keeho chuckled, clearly enjoying this too much. "You totally are! But it's okay. I think it just shows how perfect I am." He struck a pose, hand on his hip, showcasing his confidence.

Soul couldn't help but laugh, but as Keeho stood there, he felt that familiar sense of admiration wash over him again. "Seriously, though," he said, trying to regain some composure. "You really do look... amazing."

Keeho smirked, enjoying the compliment. "Thanks! But I think you're the one who's amazing, Soul. Just look at you, all shy and cute!"

As they continued to chat, Keeho leaned in even closer, making Soul hyper-aware of his every move. It was almost as if time had slowed down, and all Soul could do was focus on the perfect boy standing before him. He couldn't help but wonder how someone could be so effortlessly charming, with a smile that could light up even the cloudiest of days.

Just then, Theo joined them, interrupting Soul's thoughts. "What are you two up to? Plotting world domination with your dance moves?"

Keeho grinned, unperturbed. "Of course! We'll conquer the dance world one flirty smile at a time!"

Soul laughed, relieved for the distraction. "Yeah, watch out! We might just outshine everyone!"

Theo rolled his eyes playfully. "As if anyone could outshine Keeho! He's like a walking spotlight!"

Keeho puffed out his chest dramatically, clearly loving the attention. "What can I say? It's a gift!"

As their friends joined in, the banter continued, and Soul found himself lost in the comfort of their friendship. Yet, every time Keeho flashed a smile or leaned in to share a joke, Soul's heart fluttered uncontrollably.

"Okay, how about this?" Theo suggested, his tone conspiratorial. "Let's have a mini dance-off right here! We can see who really has the best moves!"

Keeho raised an eyebrow, a competitive grin spreading across his face. "You're on! But Soul and I are teaming up again. We'll be unstoppable!"

"Wait, I don't know if I'm ready for a dance-off!" Soul protested, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Relax! Just let loose and have fun!" Keeho encouraged, nudging Soul playfully. "Besides, I'll be right there with you!"

As they began to dance, Soul couldn't help but steal glances at Keeho. The way he moved with such confidence, the effortless grace in his steps—everything about him was captivating. Soul felt as if he could get lost in those moments forever, mesmerized by Keeho's presence.

In the midst of the dance-off, Keeho caught Soul's gaze and winked, sending a jolt of electricity through him. "See? You're doing great!" Keeho called out, his voice warm and encouraging.

Soul felt his heart race, and for a moment, everything else faded away. It was just him and Keeho, and the laughter they shared echoed in the air.

As the dance-off came to a close, Soul found himself breathless—not just from the moves, but from the thrill of being so close to Keeho.

"Alright, alright! We definitely win!" Keeho declared, throwing an arm around Soul's shoulders and pulling him in for a quick side hug.

Soul's heart soared at the gesture, his mind racing. "I'm not sure about that, but thanks for being such a great partner!"

Keeho looked down at him, his expression softening. "You're the best, Soul. Never forget that."

Soul felt a warmth bloom in his chest, and for a fleeting moment, he couldn't help but believe Keeho was right—maybe he was special in his own unique way, especially with someone like Keeho by his side.

As they joined their friends in laughter and conversation, Soul couldn't shake the feeling that every day with Keeho was going to be an adventure—a beautiful, chaotic, perfect adventure.

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Keeho is so beautiful I just had to rant and soul is so cuteee 🫶🫶

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