Rhythm of the Moment

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Chapter 45: Rhythm of the Moment

It was a typical day after school, but the air buzzed with excitement. The group had decided to hit the dance studio nearby for a casual session. Keeho, Intak, Jiung, Theo, Jongseob, and Soul had all agreed to meet up and just let loose for a while. It had been a while since they'd all danced together, and Keeho had been itching to show off some new moves he'd been practicing.

Soul was feeling a bit on edge. He wasn't sure why, but after everything that had happened between him and Keeho recently, being in the same space with him—especially one that involved dancing—seemed like it could get awkward fast. Still, he pushed those thoughts aside as they entered the studio.

The space was large, with mirrors lining the walls and the familiar scent of wood flooring filling the air. The music was already pumping from the speakers as Intak played DJ, flipping through playlists and settling on something upbeat.

"Alright, who's going first?" Jiung asked, stretching out and warming up. He was always ready to get moving, his body naturally flowing to the rhythm.

Keeho grinned, stepping forward confidently. "I'll go. Been working on something new."

Soul glanced over at Keeho, his heart already racing. The way Keeho moved when he danced was different—it was effortless, smooth, like he was born to do it. Keeho always danced with a mix of charisma and raw energy, and it made Soul both nervous and mesmerized at the same time.

Keeho stepped to the center of the room as everyone else stood back to watch. The beat dropped, and in an instant, Keeho's body responded to the music. Every move was precise, powerful, and captivating. His steps were sharp, but there was a certain fluidity to the way he transitioned from one move to the next. It was as if the music controlled him.

Soul couldn't take his eyes off Keeho. His movements were hypnotic, each one perfectly timed with the rhythm, and as Keeho danced, his eyes briefly flickered toward Soul. That familiar smirk tugged at his lips, making Soul's stomach flip.

When the track finished, everyone clapped, impressed as always with Keeho's skill.

"That was fire, man," Intak said, giving Keeho a high-five. "You've been putting in work."

Keeho shrugged, looking casual as ever, though there was a spark of pride in his eyes. "Just messing around."

Jiung grinned. "Let's see what you've got, Soul."

Soul blinked, caught off guard. "Me? Uh, I don't know..."

Theo, who had been quietly observing from the side, nodded encouragingly. "You should go. You're good, Soul."

Keeho raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "Yeah, let's see what you've been hiding."

The pressure was on. Soul swallowed, glancing at the others before stepping up. He wasn't as confident as Keeho when it came to performing in front of everyone, but dancing had always been something that helped him express what he couldn't say in words.

The music started, a slower beat than Keeho's track, something more soulful. As soon as Soul moved, he felt the rhythm take over. His movements were more subtle, with a mix of contemporary and hip-hop influences, flowing smoothly yet hitting each beat with precision.

Unlike Keeho, who danced with boldness, Soul's style was quieter, but no less impactful. His steps carried emotion, each one deliberate as he let the music guide him.

As he danced, he felt eyes on him—Keeho's eyes. It made his heart pound, and for a brief moment, Soul faltered, almost missing a step. But he recovered quickly, pushing through the nerves and letting himself get lost in the music again.

When the song ended, the room was quiet for a moment before the others started clapping.

"That was amazing!" Jiung said, clearly impressed. "You've got a whole different vibe from Keeho."

Keeho gave Soul an approving nod, though there was something more in his gaze, something unreadable. "Not bad," he said, his voice teasing but with a hint of seriousness.

Soul's face heated up, but he tried to play it cool. "Thanks."

The energy in the room shifted as the group continued to take turns dancing, each one adding their own flavor to the session. Intak busted out some freestyling, making everyone laugh with his goofy but surprisingly impressive moves. Theo stuck to the sidelines, enjoying the show, while Jongseob filmed bits on his phone, probably planning to upload them later.

But as the evening wore on, Soul found himself watching Keeho more and more. Every time Keeho danced, it was like the room revolved around him. The confidence, the charisma, the way he moved—it was all so... perfect.

At one point, Keeho caught Soul staring and walked over, his expression playful. "See something you like?"

Soul's heart skipped a beat. He quickly looked away, trying to hide his embarrassment. "No, I was just... you're good, that's all."

Keeho chuckled softly, stepping a little closer, his voice lowering. "You know, you're not so bad yourself. You should dance with me next time."

Soul glanced up at him, surprised. "With you?"

Keeho's smirk softened into something more genuine. "Yeah. I think we'd make a good team..."

"You know like we used to?"

Soul's breath caught in his throat. Dancing with Keeho? The thought made his stomach do flips, but before he could respond, the moment was interrupted by Intak calling out.

"Come on, guys, last song! Let's all do it together!"

Keeho's eyes lingered on Soul for a second longer before he stepped back, flashing him a wink. "Think about it."

As the final song of the night played, they all moved together, dancing freely and letting go of any lingering tension. But even as they danced, Soul couldn't stop thinking about what Keeho had said—or the way he had said it.

˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.

   .     ˚ ✭    *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚     ✭ .  .   ˚ .             ✦

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