Close Quarters

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Chapter 43: Close Quarters

After the arcade hangout, things between Soul and Keeho only seemed to get more intense. Every time they were together, it was like Keeho's teasing and flirting ramped up a notch, and Soul found himself constantly caught off guard. But today, everything hit a new level.

It was Monday after school, and Soul was waiting for Keeho by the lockers, like they had agreed earlier. They had a quick study session planned in the library, but Keeho had mentioned something about needing to grab something from his locker first.

As Soul leaned against the wall, scrolling through his phone, he heard familiar footsteps approaching. He looked up just in time to see Keeho sauntering over, his expression playful as always.

"Ready to hit the books?" Keeho asked with a smirk, though Soul could tell from the look in his eyes that Keeho wasn't exactly in a studious mood.

Soul raised an eyebrow. "You? Study? That's new."

Keeho laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I can be studious... when I want to be." He opened his locker, tossing his bag inside, and shut it with a loud clang. "But, you know, there are other things I'm good at."

Soul rolled his eyes. "Like what? Annoying me?"

Keeho grinned, stepping closer. "Flirting, for one."

Soul's heart immediately picked up speed. "You call that a talent?"

Keeho didn't respond with words. Instead, in one swift motion, he stepped forward, closing the distance between them. Before Soul could even react, Keeho's hand pressed firmly against the wall right beside Soul's head, trapping him in place.

Soul's breath caught in his throat. Keeho was so close, too close, and the intensity in his eyes made it impossible for Soul to look away.

"You really think I'm just annoying you?" Keeho murmured, his voice low and teasing.

Soul swallowed hard, his brain scrambling to form a coherent response. "I—"

But Keeho cut him off, leaning in even closer. Soul could feel the warmth radiating off him, his presence overwhelming. "Because I think you like it," Keeho whispered, his lips dangerously close to Soul's ear.

Soul's face burned, and he felt a shiver run down his spine. "I don't—" he stammered, but the words felt weak, even to his own ears.

Keeho's lips curled into a smirk as he pulled back just enough to meet Soul's eyes, but his hand stayed firmly against the wall, keeping Soul pinned. "You're so bad at hiding it," he teased, his gaze dropping to Soul's lips for a brief moment before flicking back up.

Soul's heart pounded in his chest. He was flustered beyond belief, trapped in a situation he didn't know how to handle. Keeho was right there, too close, too much. And yet, despite how flustered he was, a part of him didn't want to move away.

"What are you doing?" Soul finally managed to ask, his voice barely above a whisper.

Keeho's smirk softened, but the intensity in his gaze didn't waver. "Just having a little fun," he said, though there was something deeper in his tone, something that made Soul's pulse race even faster.

Soul's eyes darted to the side, looking for an escape, but Keeho didn't budge. "Keeho—"

"Relax," Keeho interrupted, his voice gentle but still teasing. "I'm not gonna bite... unless you want me to."

Soul's face went crimson. "Shut up," he muttered, but his words lacked any real bite.

Keeho chuckled softly, leaning in one last time, his breath ghosting over Soul's cheek. "You're cute when you're flustered," he whispered.

Before Soul could say anything, Keeho finally stepped back, giving him space. Soul immediately took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart.

Keeho flashed him one last smirk, clearly pleased with himself. "Come on, let's go study before your head explodes."

Soul glared at him, though his face was still bright red. "I hate you."

Keeho just laughed. "You wish."

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