Closer Than Ever

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Chapter 32: Closer Than Ever

The next day at school, Soul couldn't shake the feeling that his relationship with Keeho had shifted. There was a comfortable ease between them now, but with that came a sense of anticipation. Every time Keeho got close, Soul's heart sped up a little more, and today, it seemed like Keeho was in an extra playful mood.

As they walked down the hallway between classes, Keeho slung his arm around Soul's shoulders, pulling him close. "You know, Soul, I've been thinking... we should hang out more after school. My place, your place... maybe even somewhere more private."

Soul blinked up at Keeho, his face turning red at the implication. "M-more private?"

Keeho's smirk grew. "Yeah, you know, like, somewhere we won't get interrupted... unless you're worried about what might happen."

Soul laughed nervously, quickly wrapping his arms around Keeho in a spontaneous hug to hide his embarrassment. "You're impossible!" he muttered, his face pressed against Keeho's chest.

Keeho chuckled and ruffled Soul's hair. "Impossible? Or irresistible?"

Soul, still hugging Keeho tightly, shook his head. "Definitely impossible. But I'm hugging you anyway."

Keeho tilted his head, a playful gleam in his eyes. "Careful, Soul, if you keep hugging me like this, people might think we're dating."

Soul's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly pulled away, his cheeks burning. "N-no way! We're just friends!"

"Friends, huh?" Keeho teased, leaning down to whisper in Soul's ear. "With the way you cling to me, I'd say we're a little more than that."

Before Soul could respond, Keeho leaned back and flashed him a grin. "But hey, I'm not complaining. I like it when you're all cuddly."

Soul rolled his eyes, trying to shake off the embarrassment. "You're the worst, Keeho."

Keeho's grin widened as they made their way into the classroom. As they took their seats, Soul couldn't help but think about how comfortable he felt around Keeho, despite the teasing. He liked being close to him, even if Keeho's flirty remarks always left him flustered.

Halfway through the class, Keeho leaned over again, his lips close to Soul's ear. "You know what I realized? You're like a koala."

Soul blinked, confused. "A koala?"

Keeho nodded, his face serious but his eyes glinting with humor. "Yeah, you cling to me like a koala clings to trees. You just can't resist holding onto me."

Soul let out a laugh, shaking his head. "Okay, I'll admit, I do hug you a lot. But that's because you're comfy to hug!"

Keeho's smirk returned. "Comfy, huh? Good to know. Maybe you should start charging for these hugs. Premium hugs, just for you."

Soul blushed and looked away. "I don't think anyone else would want to pay for them."

"Are you kidding?" Keeho replied smoothly. "I bet people would line up for them. Actually..." Keeho paused, his voice lowering to a playful whisper, "I could start charging for my services too. I've got plenty of other talents besides being huggable, you know."

Soul's eyes widened as he caught the innuendo in Keeho's words. "Keeho! You can't just say stuff like that!"

Keeho laughed, clearly enjoying Soul's flustered reaction. "Relax, I'm just kidding. Unless..." He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low, suggestive tone, "'re interested?"

Soul, his face burning, quickly hugged Keeho again, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Shut up! You're gonna get us in trouble!"

Keeho laughed softly, his arms wrapping around Soul in return. "Alright, alright. I'll behave. For now."

The rest of the class passed by in a blur, with Keeho continuing to tease Soul every chance he got. But every time Soul felt embarrassed, he found himself leaning into Keeho for another hug, seeking comfort in the playful touches that had become a part of their dynamic. And Keeho, of course, never missed an opportunity to make a cheeky comment or crack a dirty joke that left Soul blushing.

When the bell rang to signal the end of class, Soul let out a sigh of relief. As they gathered their things, Keeho slung an arm around Soul's shoulders once again, pulling him close.

"So, how about we grab some lunch?" Keeho asked, flashing that trademark smirk. "I promise I'll behave... mostly."

Soul shot him a look, clearly unconvinced. "You? Behave? I'll believe it when I see it."

Keeho grinned, leaning in close as they walked down the hallway together. "I'll try my best. But no promises."

As they made their way to the cafeteria, Keeho's arm stayed firmly around Soul's shoulders, and Soul couldn't help but smile. No matter how much Keeho teased him or made him blush, there was something about the way they fit together that just felt... right.

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Since soul loves hugging Keeho irl thought this would fit 💕👽

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