A cozy hangout

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Chapter 6: A Cozy Hangout

The weekend arrived, and Soul found himself scrolling through his phone, still buzzing from the events of the past week. He had become more comfortable in his new school and had enjoyed every moment spent with Keeho and the others. As he flipped through social media, a notification popped up: a message from Keeho.

Hey, Soul! Want to come over and hang out today? I promise I'll keep it fun!

Soul's heart raced at the invitation. He hesitated for a moment, considering how he wanted to respond. He quickly typed back:

Sure! Sounds fun! What time?

How about now? I can't wait to show you my secret dance moves. 😉

Soul chuckled at the winking emoji. There was something effortlessly charming about Keeho that always made him smile.

I'll be there in 15!

He quickly got ready, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. What would it be like to spend time alone with Keeho?

When he arrived at Keeho's house, he knocked on the door, and it swung open to reveal Keeho with a bright smile and a casual outfit. "Hey there, cutie! Ready for a fun day?"

"Hey!" Soul replied, trying to hide his blush. "What do you have planned?"

"Oh, you'll see. But first, I've got snacks!" Keeho exclaimed, leading Soul inside. The living room was cozy, decorated with posters of their favorite artists and dance crews. It felt warm and inviting, and Soul instantly felt at ease.

"Snacks are essential for any hangout," Soul said, smiling.

"Right?" Keeho grinned, rummaging through the kitchen. "I stocked up just for you. I mean, I couldn't let my guest go hungry!"

"Thanks! You didn't have to," Soul replied, feeling grateful.

Keeho returned with a bowl of popcorn and a few drinks. "Of course I did! Plus, I wanted to impress you a little," he said, a playful glint in his eye.

Soul felt a flutter in his stomach at Keeho's words. "Impress me, huh? You're already doing great."

"Just wait until you see my secret moves," Keeho said, leaning in closer. "They're even better than my cooking skills."

"Is that a challenge?" Soul asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Absolutely!" Keeho replied, bouncing on his heels. "Let's start with some music, and then I'll show you what I've got."

Keeho set up a playlist, and soon the room was filled with upbeat tracks that made Soul want to move. He watched as Keeho danced, his movements fluid and captivating. Soul couldn't help but admire how effortlessly he owned the space.

"Okay, now you try!" Keeho said, stepping back to give Soul room. "Show me what you've got!"

Soul felt his nerves rise, but the encouraging smile on Keeho's face pushed him to give it a shot. He moved to the rhythm, pouring all his energy into the dance. When he finished, he looked up to see Keeho clapping and grinning.

"See? You've got it!" Keeho exclaimed. "But I think I can help you with a few extra moves."

Keeho stepped closer, demonstrating a few steps while standing right in front of Soul. The closeness made Soul's heart race. "Here, let me show you how to add some flair."

Keeho moved, his body swaying in a way that made it hard for Soul to focus on the dance. All he could think about was how magnetic Keeho was, and the way he moved with such confidence.

After a few rounds of practice, Keeho took a step back, a teasing smile on his lips. "Okay, now you have to add a little more Keeho charm to it. You know, the smile, the wink..."

Soul felt a heat rise to his cheeks. "The wink?"

"Exactly! Here, watch," Keeho said, dramatically winking and flashing a playful grin. "You can't just dance; you have to captivate the audience!"

"Okay, let me try," Soul said, doing his best to mirror Keeho's flirty charm. As he winked, he couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he felt.

Keeho burst into laughter, clearly amused. "Not bad! You just need a little more practice, but I like where this is going."

Soul felt lighter, their playful banter making him forget his nerves. They spent the next few hours dancing, teasing, and sharing stories about their lives, and Soul found himself opening up more than he expected.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow through the windows, Keeho sat next to Soul, nudging him playfully. "You know, I'm really glad you came over today. It's way more fun with you here."

"Me too," Soul replied softly, his heart racing at the genuine warmth in Keeho's eyes. "Thanks for inviting me."

Keeho leaned in slightly, his voice teasing yet sincere. "Anytime, Soul. You might just be the best thing to happen to my weekend."

Soul's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a mix of excitement and shyness. Could this be the start of something more than friend-.. No soul no soul what am I thinking. "Alright, enough mushy stuff," Keeho said, breaking the tension with a grin. "Let's keep dancing!"

As the music played on, Soul couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning of something special between them.

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First hangout yayyy! 💕 their so cute pls

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