Close Encounters

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Chapter 35: Close Encounters

The next day at school, Soul found himself yet again stuck with Keeho, who seemed more energetic than usual. From the moment they met up in the hallway, Keeho was all over him—constantly teasing, touching, and leaning in just a little too close for comfort.

"Hey, Soul," Keeho called out as they entered the classroom, slinging his arm around Soul's shoulder. "You missed me?"

Soul tried not to react, but the small smile on his face betrayed him. "I saw you like ten minutes ago."

Keeho smirked, leaning down so that their faces were inches apart. "Yeah, but ten minutes is a long time when you're thinking about someone as much as you do."

Soul's eyes widened, and he quickly looked away, his face turning red. "I-I wasn't thinking about you!"

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night," Keeho teased, his voice low and full of amusement.

They settled into their seats, with Keeho sitting next to Soul as usual. As the class began, Keeho, as always, couldn't keep to himself. His hand rested casually on Soul's thigh under the desk, sending a wave of flustered heat through Soul's body.

"Keeho," Soul whispered, trying to move his leg. "Not here!"

Keeho's smirk widened as he leaned closer. "Why not? I'm just getting comfortable."

Soul shot him a warning look, but Keeho didn't seem to care. "Besides," Keeho continued, his voice soft, "you like it when I'm close, don't you?"

Soul's heart pounded in his chest, and he couldn't bring himself to answer. He kept his eyes glued to his notebook, trying to focus on the lesson, but all he could think about was Keeho sitting right there, making everything so much harder.

During a brief break in class, Keeho leaned over and whispered in Soul's ear. "You know, I've been thinking..."

Soul braced himself. "About what?"

Keeho's lips curved into a sly grin. "About how cute you'd look in one of my shirts. They're a bit bigger than yours, but I think it'd suit you."

Soul's face flushed, his mind immediately imagining the scenario. "I don't need your clothes, Keeho."

Keeho raised an eyebrow. "Oh, come on. We could trade. I'll wear yours for the day, and you can wear mine. I think it'll be fun."

Soul shook his head, his cheeks burning. "No way! Your clothes would be huge on me."

"Exactly," Keeho said with a wink. "You'd look adorable."

Before Soul could respond, the teacher called the class back to attention. Soul silently thanked the distraction, though he could still feel Keeho's gaze on him the whole time.

As the lesson continued, Keeho leaned in again, his lips dangerously close to Soul's ear. "You know, I've been thinking about singing something for you. Wanna hear?"

Soul glanced at him, curious but still flustered. "Right now? In the middle of class?"

Keeho chuckled softly. "Why not? I can give you a private show later, but here's a sneak peek."

Before Soul could protest, Keeho quietly hummed a few notes under his breath. His voice was smooth and melodic, the kind of voice that could make anyone stop and listen. Soul couldn't help but be mesmerized.

"You're amazing," Soul whispered, forgetting his embarrassment for a moment.

Keeho smiled, leaning in closer. "I know. But it sounds better when you say it."

Soul blushed, quickly turning back to his notes, but he couldn't hide the small smile that tugged at his lips.

After class, Keeho, still riding his flirty high, dragged Soul out of the classroom. "Come with me," Keeho said, pulling him down the hallway before Soul could even ask where they were going.

"Where are we going?" Soul asked, his heart racing as Keeho led him toward a secluded area.

"Somewhere private," Keeho replied with a playful grin. "We need some alone time, don't you think?"

Soul's eyes widened, realizing they were heading toward the bathroom. "W-wait, Keeho, we can't just—"

Keeho pulled him inside, locking the door behind them before Soul could finish his sentence. The bathroom was empty, the sound of their footsteps echoing against the tiles.

Keeho leaned against the sink, his arms crossed as he looked at Soul with that familiar, mischievous glint in his eyes. "What's wrong? Scared to be alone with me?"

Soul's face burned, and he shook his head quickly. "N-no! It's just... we shouldn't be here."

Keeho shrugged, taking a step closer. "Relax, it's just us. Besides, you've been staring at me all day—don't think I didn't notice."

Soul's heart skipped a beat. "I-I wasn't staring!"

Keeho smirked, reaching out to gently lift Soul's chin. "Sure you weren't. But if you wanna keep looking, go ahead. Take a picture, it lasts longer."

Soul's breath hitched as he looked up at Keeho, their faces just inches apart. His heart raced, and for a moment, he couldn't think of anything to say. All he could do was stare—because Keeho really was perfect.

Before anything else could happen, the sound of someone knocking on the door startled them both. Soul jumped back, his face bright red.

"Keeho! Soul!" It was Jongseob's voice from the other side. "What are you guys doing in there? Class is about to start."

Soul quickly moved away from Keeho, flustered beyond belief. "W-we should go!"

Keeho, on the other hand, didn't seem bothered at all. He just grinned, giving Soul a playful wink. "Saved by the bell. But don't worry, Soul—we'll finish this later."

With that, Keeho unlocked the door and stepped out, leaving Soul standing there, his heart racing and his mind spinning. He couldn't believe how close they'd just been... and how much he'd wanted to stay in that moment.

As he followed Keeho back to class, Soul couldn't stop thinking about the way Keeho had looked at him—like he was the only person in the world. And despite how flustered he felt, Soul couldn't help but smile.

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Jongseob won't interrupt forever Lmao 

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