Almost There

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Chapter 13: Almost There

The following week, the excitement of the talent showcase lingered in the air at school. The halls buzzed with chatter about the performances, and Keeho and Soul's act was still a hot topic among students. Soul felt a sense of pride every time someone mentioned their routine, but it was Keeho's playful attention that made his heart race the most.

On a sunny afternoon, Soul found himself in the school's courtyard with Keeho, Jiung, Intak, and Jongseob. They were sitting on a low wall, enjoying the warm weather and chatting about their next dance practice. Soul's stomach fluttered as Keeho casually draped his arm around Soul's shoulders, pulling him close.

"Okay, guys! Who's ready to step up their game for the next showcase?" Keeho declared, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Are we still trying to top our last performance?" Intak asked, feigning exhaustion. "I don't think I can handle that much pressure again!"

"Oh, come on! We can do it!" Jiung encouraged, bouncing in his seat. "With Soul's amazing skills and my stunning charisma, we're unstoppable!"

Soul laughed, feeling a wave of warmth wash over him as he soaked in the camaraderie of his friends. But as Keeho's arm tightened around him, he felt an unfamiliar tension build in the air. It was as if they were sharing a secret that only they could feel.

"You know, we should definitely practice in a more private space next time," Keeho said, leaning in closer to Soul, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Maybe we can find a quiet classroom after school."

Soul's heart raced, his mind momentarily distracted from the conversation around them. "Uh, yeah, that could work," he replied, trying to sound casual but failing miserably.

Keeho's gaze lingered on Soul, his playful smile softening as the noise of their friends faded into the background. "I mean, just think about it. Just you and me, working on our moves... and maybe something else?"

Soul's breath caught in his throat as Keeho's meaning sank in. He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks, and before he could process his thoughts, Keeho leaned even closer, their faces just inches apart.

"Soul..." Keeho started, his voice low and teasing, "You know I really—"

But before he could finish, Jongseob appeared, bounding into the courtyard with a wide grin. "Hey, guys! What's up?" he called out, completely oblivious to the moment he had just interrupted.

Keeho's expression shifted to one of playful annoyance as he pulled back from Soul, his arm dropping to his side. "Jongseob! You have the worst timing ever!"

Soul felt a rush of disappointment mixed with relief. He glanced at Keeho, who was now pouting playfully at Jongseob's arrival.

"What? I thought I'd come brighten your day!" Jongseob said, grinning. "What are you two up to? Were you planning some secret dance moves?"

"Something like that..." Keeho replied, shooting Soul a teasing glance.

Jiung laughed, clearly enjoying the banter. "More like they were about to have a moment before you barged in!"

Jongseob raised an eyebrow, glancing between Keeho and Soul. "A moment? Oh, do tell! Are we talking about a romance novel here?"

Soul's cheeks burned as he tried to wave off the teasing. "It was nothing, really!"

Keeho, ever the instigator, leaned closer to Soul again, a smirk on his face. "Oh, but it could have been something amazing, right, Soul?"

"Stop it!" Soul protested, hiding his face in his hands. The laughter of his friends surrounded him, but all he could focus on was Keeho's teasing gaze and the almost-kiss that had been so abruptly interrupted.

Jongseob laughed, his curiosity clearly piqued. "You guys are hilarious. Just promise me you won't keep me in the dark about any secret romances. I want to be the first to know!"

"Sure, sure! We'll keep you updated on our non-existent love life," Keeho replied, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"Yeah, right!" Jiung added, nudging Soul playfully. "You two are practically written in the stars!"

Soul shot a glare at Jiung, but the teasing only made him more flustered. As the banter continued, he couldn't shake the feeling of Keeho's closeness and the thrill of what almost happened between them.

Eventually, the conversation shifted, and the group began to discuss their plans for the weekend. But in the back of Soul's mind, he couldn't help but replay the moment Keeho had leaned in, the spark that had ignited between them.

After a while, the group decided to part ways, and Keeho walked beside Soul, a soft smile on his face. "Hey, don't let Jongseob get to you. I'm still planning on that private practice session, just the two of us."

Soul felt his heart flutter again at the thought. "Yeah, I'd like that."

As they made their way to their next class, Soul couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and nervousness. He knew that whatever happened between them, things were definitely shifting, and he was eager to see where it would lead.

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I love how this is going Lmao 😭😭

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