Whispered Words and Quiet Moments

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Chapter 31: Whispered Words and Quiet Moments

The school day continued, and Soul couldn't help but smile at the way Keeho had been so touchy and playful in class. It felt like Keeho had a way of making even the most ordinary moments special, filling the day with humor and charm. As the next period began, Soul found himself seated next to Keeho again, a situation that had become both exciting and nerve-wracking.

They were in the middle of a quiet study session in the library. Keeho, sitting just a bit too close, had his arm draped casually across the back of Soul's chair. Every now and then, he'd brush his fingers lightly against Soul's shoulder or poke him gently in the side, as if he couldn't resist being in contact. Soul was trying his best to concentrate, but every little touch sent his heart racing.

"Soul," Keeho whispered, leaning in close, "can I ask you something?"

Soul glanced up from his notebook, his cheeks already flushing. "Uh, sure. What is it?"

"Why are you so adorable when you're concentrating?" Keeho teased, his voice low and playful. He lightly flicked the back of Soul's neck, making him jump.

Soul scrunched his face and shot Keeho a mock glare. "I'm trying to study! Stop distracting me!"

Keeho laughed softly. "Sorry, sorry, but I can't help it. You're too fun to tease." He paused, then leaned in even closer, his lips almost brushing Soul's ear. "But seriously... have you ever thought about how perfect we are together?"

Soul's heart skipped a beat, and he stared at Keeho, unsure of how to respond. "P-perfect?" he stammered.

"Yeah," Keeho replied, his tone casual but with a hint of something more. "I mean, we're always together, we get each other... I just think it's kinda nice, you know?"

Soul blinked, feeling his face heat up. His mind raced, trying to come up with a response, but before he could, Keeho's fingers traced lightly along his arm, sending a shiver down his spine.

Just as Soul was about to say something, Theo appeared at the end of the table, grinning widely. "Yo, what's going on here? Am I interrupting something?"

Soul nearly jumped out of his seat. "N-no! We're just... studying," he said quickly, avoiding Theo's knowing look.

Keeho, on the other hand, just smirked. "Studying, flirting—same thing."

Theo laughed, dropping his bag onto the table. "You two are something else. But hey, I wanted to remind you both about the talent show coming up. You're still planning to perform, right?"

Keeho's eyes lit up. "Oh, definitely! Soul and I are going to kill it!"

Soul's heart raced again at the thought of performing with Keeho. He loved dancing, but being on stage with Keeho, who was so confident and outgoing, made him nervous.

"Y-yeah, of course," Soul mumbled, still trying to recover from the earlier conversation.

Theo looked between them, clearly amused. "Well, I'm looking forward to it. Don't get too distracted by each other, okay?"

With a wink, Theo sauntered off, leaving Keeho and Soul alone again. Keeho chuckled softly, leaning back in his chair. "That guy... he always knows how to make things awkward."

Soul nodded, still feeling flustered. "Yeah... but he's right. We should focus on practicing for the talent show."

Keeho grinned, reaching over to gently tap Soul on the nose. "We will. But first..." His voice lowered, and his playful smirk returned. "You have to admit, it's fun when I distract you, right?"

Soul rolled his eyes, though he couldn't hide his smile. "Maybe a little..."

Keeho leaned in, his face just inches from Soul's. "Just a little, huh?"

Soul's heart raced as Keeho's gaze locked with his. For a moment, it felt like the whole world had disappeared, and it was just the two of them, sitting close together, caught in an unspoken tension. But before anything could happen, Keeho suddenly pulled back, a mischievous grin on his face.

"Alright, alright. I'll stop being a distraction—for now," Keeho said, leaning back in his chair with a satisfied look.

Soul let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, trying to calm his racing heart. He couldn't believe how easily Keeho could fluster him, but at the same time, he couldn't deny how much he enjoyed these moments. Even if Keeho was always teasing, there was something about the way they interacted that made Soul feel special.

"Okay," Soul said, finally finding his voice again, "but next time, I'm the one who gets to do the distracting."

Keeho raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Oh? You think you can fluster me? I'd like to see you try."

Soul grinned, his quirky sense of humor kicking in. "Just wait. I've got some very weird Japanese humor up my sleeve. You won't even know what hit you."

Keeho laughed, shaking his head. "Now that's something I'm looking forward to!"

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