Thinking of You

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Chapter 49: Thinking of You

Soul sat on his bed, staring at the ceiling, the strip of photos from the mall date with Keeho playing over and over in his head. The day had been amazing—relaxed, fun, and filled with moments that had left his heart pounding. But now, with the quiet of his room surrounding him, Soul couldn't help but feel a rush of confusion.

What was happening between them?

Every interaction with Keeho lately seemed to blur the lines. Keeho's teasing, his flirtation, the way he looked at Soul—it all felt too real to just be a game. But at the same time, Soul couldn't shake the fear that it was just that—a game Keeho was playing for his own amusement.

He grabbed his phone, scrolling through the photos Keeho had texted him earlier. The two of them, sitting in the photobooth, looking like more than just friends. In one picture, Keeho had his arm around Soul's shoulders, their faces close, and Soul's face was undeniably red. He looked embarrassed, while Keeho looked effortlessly cool, like he always did.

Soul sighed, burying his face in his hands. He was falling for Keeho, and he wasn't sure if he could stop it.

His phone buzzed, snapping him out of his thoughts. It was a text from Keeho.

Keeho: "You thinking about me? ;)"

Soul's heart skipped a beat, and he fumbled to reply, his fingers shaking slightly.

Soul: "Why would I be?"

He barely had a moment to breathe before Keeho's response came through.

Keeho: "Because I'm thinking about you."

Soul stared at the message, his mind racing. Keeho had never been this direct before. Sure, he flirted all the time, but this felt... different. His pulse quickened, and he typed out a response, trying to keep his cool.

Soul: "You're so cheesy."

Keeho's reply was immediate.

Keeho: "You love it."

Soul rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress the smile tugging at his lips. Keeho always knew how to get under his skin.

Just as Soul was about to respond, there was a knock on his door. His mom peeked in, smiling brightly. "Soul, you have a visitor."

Soul blinked, confused. A visitor? "Who?"

Before his mom could answer, Keeho stepped into the room, his usual confident grin on his face. He was wearing a loose white t-shirt and joggers, looking effortlessly good even in casual clothes.

Soul's heart nearly jumped out of his chest. "Keeho?! What are you doing here?"

Keeho shrugged, stepping further into the room. "I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by. Plus, I wanted to see you again."

Soul's face turned bright red as Keeho's words sank in. He glanced at his mom, who seemed delighted by the whole situation. "I'll leave you boys to it," she said with a knowing smile, closing the door behind her.

As soon as they were alone, Soul glared at Keeho. "You can't just show up like that!"

Keeho raised an eyebrow, his smirk widening. "Why not? You weren't doing anything important, were you?"

Soul huffed, crossing his arms. "That's not the point."

Keeho stepped closer, his gaze softening. "Relax, Soul. I'm just here to hang out."

Soul's heart raced as Keeho's proximity made it hard to focus. Keeho always had that effect on him—like he could see right through Soul's walls.

Keeho sat on the edge of Soul's bed, looking around the room. "This place is pretty neat. Not what I expected."

Soul fidgeted, unsure of what to say. "What were you expecting?"

Keeho shrugged, leaning back on his hands. "I don't know. Something... weirder."

Soul rolled his eyes. "I'm not that weird."

Keeho chuckled. "Debatable."

There was a brief silence before Keeho's expression turned more serious. "Hey, about earlier... I wasn't joking when I said I was thinking about you."

Soul's breath hitched, his eyes widening. "You—what?"

Keeho's gaze was steady, sincere. "I know I mess around a lot, but I'm not playing games with you, Soul. I really do like you."

Soul felt his face heat up, his mind struggling to process Keeho's words. Was this really happening? "You... you like me?"

Keeho nodded, his smile softening. "Yeah. I do."

Soul's heart was racing, his emotions a whirlwind. He didn't know what to say—what to think. Part of him had been hoping for this, but now that it was happening, he felt completely unprepared.

Keeho stood up, stepping closer to Soul until they were inches apart. "You don't have to say anything right now," he said quietly. "I just wanted you to know."

Soul swallowed hard, his mind a blur of thoughts and feelings. "I... I don't know what to say."

Keeho smiled gently, reaching out to ruffle Soul's hair. "It's okay. Take your time."

Soul nodded, feeling both relieved and overwhelmed at the same time. Keeho's hand lingered for a moment before he pulled away, his usual playful grin returning. "Now, come on. I didn't come here to make things awkward. Let's go grab a snack or something."

Soul blinked, still trying to process everything. "You really just showed up to hang out?"

Keeho shrugged. "What can I say? I'm full of surprises."

Soul couldn't help but smile, shaking his head. "You really are."

As they left the room together, Soul's mind was still spinning, but there was a new warmth blooming in his chest. Maybe things between them were finally starting to make sense.

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