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Chapter 15: superstar 

The school day rolled on with an air of excitement, especially as the upcoming dance showcase loomed closer. Soul felt a mix of nerves and anticipation, and he couldn't shake the memories of his almost-kiss with Keeho. Every time their eyes met in class, his heart raced, and he was sure Keeho could feel the tension lingering between them.

As they gathered for lunch in the cafeteria, Keeho sat down next to Soul, his usual playful energy radiating off him. "Hey, superstar! Ready to shine at the showcase?" he asked, nudging Soul playfully with his shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess," Soul replied, trying to sound confident despite the butterflies in his stomach.

Keeho leaned in closer, his voice low and teasing. "You guess? Come on, you've got to be more excited! This is your moment to shine."

Soul glanced at Keeho, feeling the warmth of his proximity. "I just want to do my best. I don't want to mess anything up."

Keeho waved a hand dismissively. "You won't! You're going to kill it out there! And I'll be right there cheering you on," he assured, his expression sincere.

Suddenly, Intak and Jiung arrived at the table, their plates piled high with food. "What are you two lovebirds whispering about?" Jiung teased, plopping down beside Keeho.

Soul's face flushed as he quickly turned away, trying to hide his embarrassment. "It's nothing!"

"Right, nothing," Intak said, smirking knowingly. "Just a casual conversation about how Soul is going to win everyone's hearts at the showcase."

"Exactly!" Keeho chimed in, grinning widely. "Soul is basically going to be the star of the show."

Soul felt his heart race again as Keeho's words echoed in his mind. Just then, Jongseob approached the table, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Hey, did you guys hear about the after-school dance-off that's happening in the gym today?" he announced.

"Dance-off?" Jiung echoed, his interest piqued. "Sounds fun! Are we joining?"

"Of course! We can show off our moves and have a little fun before the showcase," Jongseob replied, his excitement contagious.

Keeho turned to Soul, his expression brightening. "What do you say? Want to join in? It'll be a great warm-up for us!"

Soul hesitated, glancing around at his friends. "I don't know... I mean, what if I embarrass myself?"

"Please," Keeho scoffed playfully. "You can't embarrass yourself with us cheering you on. Plus, it'll be a great way to loosen up before the showcase. Come on, Soul! Just think of it as practice!"

Soul took a deep breath, feeling the encouragement from Keeho wash over him. "Okay, fine! I'll do it!"

"Awesome! This is going to be epic!" Keeho exclaimed, his excitement infectious.

After lunch, the group made their way to the gym, where students were already gathering for the dance-off. The atmosphere was electric, filled with laughter and the sound of music pumping through the speakers.

Keeho stood close to Soul as they watched the first few groups perform, occasionally leaning in to share playful commentary. "Look at that! I mean, they've got moves, but have they seen us? We're basically going to steal the show," he joked.

Soul laughed, feeling the warmth of Keeho's presence beside him. "You really think so?"

"Absolutely! Just wait until it's our turn," Keeho replied confidently, flashing a charming smile.

As the dance-off continued, Soul felt the rhythm pulsing through him, the energy from the crowd igniting his spirit. When it was finally their turn to perform, Keeho grabbed Soul's hand, pulling him to the center of the gym.

"Just follow my lead, and we'll be unstoppable!" Keeho said, his enthusiasm radiating as the music started to play.

They danced together, moving in sync as they incorporated their choreography from the showcase, adding in playful spins and flourishes. The crowd cheered them on, and Soul felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through him.

As they finished their routine, Keeho pulled Soul close, grinning from ear to ear. "See? That was amazing! You were incredible!"

"Thanks! You were great too!" Soul replied, still catching his breath from the performance.

Just then, Jongseob approached, clapping his hands together. "You guys totally crushed it! I think we might just win this dance-off!"

Before they could celebrate, a voice cut through the chatter. "Hey! Who do you think you are, showing off like that?"

Soul turned to see a group of older students standing off to the side, arms crossed and looking unimpressed. Keeho's expression shifted to one of playful defiance. "Just some talented dancers having a good time! You should try it sometime!"

The leader of the group stepped forward, a smirk on his face. "Oh, we'll see about that. You think you can handle the competition?"

Keeho glanced at Soul, and they shared a knowing look, the tension from earlier sparking back to life. "Bring it on!" Keeho said confidently, stepping forward.

As the music started again, the atmosphere grew thick with competition. Soul felt his heart race, not only from the adrenaline of the dance-off but also from the way Keeho's presence lit a fire within him.

They danced fiercely, the energy in the gym rising as the two groups battled it out. Soul lost himself in the rhythm, the beats fueling his movements. But all the while, Keeho remained close, their chemistry palpable as they danced side by side.

As the final notes of the music faded, the crowd erupted in applause, cheering for both groups. Soul caught his breath, feeling exhilarated, and turned to Keeho, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"That was so much fun!" Soul exclaimed, the thrill still coursing through him.

Keeho stepped closer, his expression softening as he looked into Soul's eyes. "You were amazing out there. I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Keeho. I couldn't have done it without you," Soul replied, feeling his cheeks heat up.

Just as they were about to share another moment, Jongseob bounded over, grinning widely. "That was awesome! You guys were the best!"

Soul smiled, feeling a rush of happiness from the energy around them, but he couldn't shake the feeling of what was left unsaid between him and Keeho. As the crowd continued to cheer, he knew that their connection was deepening, and he was eager to see where it would lead.

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