You shine just as bright

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Chapter 23: You shine just as bright

The next day at school, Soul found himself in an unusually chipper mood. The memory of Keeho in the gym lingered in his mind, fueling him with a mixture of excitement and determination. He was eager to see Keeho again, especially after their playful banter about workouts and dance-offs.

As he entered the classroom, he noticed Keeho already sitting at their usual spot, chatting animatedly with Jiung and Intak. The sight of Keeho's bright smile sent butterflies fluttering in Soul's stomach. He made his way over, feeling the familiar warmth of friendship wrap around him.

"Hey, Soul! Ready to get your dance moves on?" Keeho asked, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Definitely! I've been practicing!" Soul replied, trying to sound more confident than he felt.

Jiung raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Practicing? Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, you don't want to embarrass yourself in front of Keeho."

"Hey! Soul's got great moves!" Keeho defended, nudging Soul playfully. "Right, Soul?"

Soul felt heat rise to his cheeks, but he managed to smile. "Yeah, I've got some moves up my sleeve."

Intak grinned, leaning in. "So, what's the plan for today? Dance-off? Workout? Or just some cute flirting?"

Keeho pretended to ponder this seriously, tapping his chin. "Hmm, I think we should start with a dance-off to show everyone what they're missing. Then we can flirt a little!"

Soul's heart raced at the thought, excitement battling with shyness. "Flirting in front of everyone? That sounds... daring."

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Keeho insisted, his enthusiasm infectious. "Besides, I want everyone to see how cute my dance partner is!"

Before Soul could respond, the teacher walked in, signaling the start of class. As the lesson began, Soul found it hard to focus, his thoughts drifting back to Keeho's playful smile and the way he made everything feel light and carefree.

After class, as students began to trickle out, Keeho leaned closer to Soul, his voice low and teasing. "So, ready for the dance-off? I want to show everyone how amazing we are together."

Soul nodded, his heart racing. "Yeah, let's do it!"

They made their way to the dance studio, where a few other students had gathered, curious about the upcoming showdown. Keeho turned to Soul, a confident grin on his face. "Okay, how about this? We'll each take turns showing off our best moves, and then we can combine our styles for the grand finale!"

"Sounds good!" Soul agreed, his excitement bubbling over.

As Keeho went first, the room fell silent, all eyes on him. He moved effortlessly to the beat, his body flowing with confidence and charisma. Soul watched in awe, unable to take his eyes off Keeho. He was perfect—each move sharp and expressive, radiating an energy that drew everyone in.

When Keeho finished, the room erupted in applause, and Soul felt a mix of pride and pressure. "Your turn, Soul!" Keeho called, grinning encouragingly.

Taking a deep breath, Soul stepped into the center, feeling the heat of all the eyes on him. He let the music wash over him, focusing on the rhythm. With each movement, he poured his heart into the dance, trying to channel his nerves into the steps. As he lost himself in the music, he felt a rush of exhilaration.

When he finished, he caught Keeho's proud smile, which made him feel lighter than air. The applause that followed only boosted his confidence, and he grinned back at Keeho, feeling accomplished.

"See? I told you you'd be amazing!" Keeho exclaimed, pulling Soul into a quick hug. "Now for the grand finale!"

Soul's heart raced at the prospect of dancing with Keeho. They took their places side by side, their chemistry evident as they moved in sync. The way their bodies flowed together felt natural, and for that moment, it was just the two of them.

As they finished their routine, the room erupted in cheers, and Keeho turned to Soul, excitement radiating from him. "We did it! That was incredible!"

"Yeah! I didn't think we'd have such a great response!" Soul said, beaming.

Just then, Theo entered the room, clapping loudly. "What did I miss? I heard a dance-off was happening!"

"Just us showcasing our amazing skills!" Keeho declared, striking another pose, making everyone laugh.

"Looks like I missed quite a show!" Theo replied, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "You two are going to be the talk of the school!"

As they basked in the afterglow of their performance, Soul felt a warmth spreading through him, fueled by the connection he shared with Keeho. However, just as he was lost in thought, he noticed a group of girls watching from the doorway, whispering and giggling amongst themselves.

"Wow, he's so talented!" one girl said, glancing at Keeho with admiration.

"Right? And look at his moves! I can't believe he's so fit!" another chimed in, her gaze lingering on Keeho.

Soul's stomach twisted with jealousy once more. Why did it bother him so much to see Keeho getting all this attention? He knew Keeho was charming and attractive, but the way they admired him felt different. It was a nagging feeling he couldn't shake off.

Keeho noticed Soul's change in demeanor and nudged him lightly. "Hey, don't let them get to you! You're the one who really shone out there."

Soul forced a smile, but inside he felt conflicted. "Yeah, I know. It's just... sometimes I feel like I'm always in your shadow."

Keeho's expression softened, and he stepped closer, lowering his voice. "You could never be in my shadow, Soul. You shine just as bright—trust me."

The sincerity in Keeho's voice made Soul's heart flutter again. "Thanks, Keeho. I guess I just get a little... competitive."

Keeho chuckled, wrapping an arm around Soul's shoulders. "Good! That means I'll always have someone to keep me on my toes."

As they chatted, Soul felt the tension of jealousy slowly fade, replaced by a warm sense of camaraderie. He knew that no matter how much attention Keeho got, their bond was special—and that was something no one could take away.

As they prepared to leave the dance studio, Soul felt hopeful. There were still many adventures ahead, and he was excited to face them all—especially with Keeho by his side.

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