The big day has come!

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Chapter 10: The big day has come!

The day of the talent showcase had arrived, and excitement buzzed through the hallways like electricity. Soul felt a mix of nerves and anticipation as he approached the practice room, where Keeho and Jongseob were warming up.

Keeho spotted Soul first, his eyes lighting up. "Hey, dance partner!" he called out, striding over with his usual swagger. "You ready to wow everyone tonight?"

Soul nodded, his heart fluttering at Keeho's enthusiasm. "I think so. Just a bit nervous, you know?"

Keeho leaned in closer, a playful smirk on his face. "Nervous? You? Not a chance! Just think of it as a chance to show off your incredible skills. And don't forget, you've got me right here with you!"

"Right... with you," Soul echoed, trying to hide his blush as he glanced away.

Just then, Theo walked into the room, a bright smile on his face. "Hey, guys! What's the plan for today?"

Keeho immediately turned his charm on. "Oh, just preparing to witness Soul's star moment. You might want to grab a front-row seat for this!"

Theo chuckled, crossing his arms. "Is that so? I can't wait to see the legendary Soul in action!"

Soul felt his cheeks heat up even more. "It's not that big of a deal..."

Keeho nudged him playfully, leaning in closer, his voice teasing. "Oh, come on! You're about to steal the show. I mean, with looks like that, how can you not?"

Soul's shyness flared as he stammered, "Keeho, stop it! You're making me blush!"

Theo laughed, clearly enjoying the banter. "Keeho, you might be the only person who can embarrass Soul this much."

"I'll take that as a compliment!" Keeho replied, puffing out his chest dramatically. "Besides, I'm just speaking the truth."

As they practiced their routines, Keeho continued to flirt with Soul, whispering silly compliments and making exaggerated gestures. "If you keep dancing like that, I might just have to declare you the best dancer in the whole school!"

Soul couldn't help but laugh, though his heart raced at Keeho's attention. "You're ridiculous, you know that?"

"And you love it," Keeho shot back with a wink, then turned to Theo. "How about you? You're not just going to stand there and let us have all the fun!"

Theo grinned. "Me? Oh, I'm just here to enjoy the show. But if you insist, I could throw in some of my legendary moves." He struck a goofy pose, making Soul burst into laughter.

Keeho joined in, pretending to be impressed. "Wow, Theo! What a stunning display of talent! You're truly the best dancer I've ever seen!"

"Right?" Theo replied, playing along. "I'm basically a dance machine."

As the three of them laughed, Soul felt his nerves start to fade, replaced by a sense of camaraderie. They spent the next hour refining their routines, Keeho always finding a moment to make Soul blush with playful remarks.

After practicing, they decided to take a break, and Keeho led the way to the cafeteria. "Let's grab some snacks. I need my energy to support Soul's incredible performance!"

As they walked through the bustling cafeteria, Keeho's energy was infectious. He flirted with passing students, charming everyone with his smile and humor. Soul watched, a mix of admiration and shyness bubbling inside him.

Suddenly, Keeho turned to Soul, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You know, I bet I could get everyone to vote for you if I just start a rumor that you can sing like an angel."

"What? No! That's not fair!" Soul protested, feeling his cheeks heat up.

Keeho leaned closer, whispering loudly enough for Theo to hear, "I think it's a genius plan. Soul, the secret singing sensation!"

"Not a chance," Soul replied, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Theo laughed, shaking his head. "I'd pay to see that! Soul, you've got to embrace the fame!"

"Fame?" Soul echoed, shaking his head. "I just want to get through this showcase without embarrassing myself!"

"Too late!" Keeho exclaimed, throwing an arm around Soul's shoulders. "You're already my dance partner. You're famous by association!"

As they reached the food counter, Keeho grabbed a tray and started piling on snacks. "You have to fuel up for the performance! We can't have you fainting on stage."

"Who faints on stage?" Theo chimed in, feigning shock. "That's like, the ultimate performance blunder!"

Keeho rolled his eyes, laughter bubbling in his throat. "I mean, if anyone could pull it off, it'd be Soul. Just picture it—" He paused, dramatically placing a hand on his forehead. "Soul, the first-ever dancer to faint mid-routine!"

Soul couldn't help but laugh, shaking his head at Keeho's antics. "Okay, okay! I promise I won't faint!"

After grabbing their snacks, the trio found a table and continued to joke around, keeping the energy light and fun. Keeho leaned over to Soul, a teasing smile on his face. "So, after our big performance, how about we celebrate? Just the two of us?"

Soul's heart raced at the thought, a shy smile creeping onto his face. "Sure, that sounds nice."

Keeho grinned, his eyes sparkling. "Great! I'll even serenade you after the show. Just you wait!"

As they finished their snacks, Soul felt a wave of gratitude wash over him. Surrounded by his friends, especially Keeho, he knew that whatever happened during the showcase, he wouldn't be alone.

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How will soul do?

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