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Chapter 57: Sidekick?..

The weekend arrived with a buzz of excitement. Soul could hardly contain his anticipation for his date with Keeho at the new arcade. He had spent the morning carefully selecting an outfit, wanting to look cute yet casual. After much deliberation, he settled on a graphic tee featuring his favorite band and a pair of comfortable jeans.

As he finished getting ready, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He felt nervous but also giddy at the thought of spending more time with Keeho, especially after their sweet moments together.

When Soul arrived at the arcade, he found Keeho already waiting outside, dressed in a fitted black shirt that accentuated his athletic build. He looked effortlessly cool, his hair slightly tousled.

"Hey, you!" Keeho greeted, a wide grin breaking across his face. "You look amazing!"

Soul felt his cheeks heat up at the compliment. "Thanks! You look great too."

They walked into the arcade, the bright lights and sounds of laughter surrounding them. Keeho's eyes lit up with excitement as he pointed out the various games. "Okay, so where do we start?"

"Let's hit the racing games first!" Soul suggested, his competitive spirit kicking in.

They made their way to the racing section, and Keeho quickly inserted coins into the machines, choosing the fastest car. "Prepare to lose, Soul!" he challenged, his competitive nature shining through.

"Not a chance!" Soul shot back, determination in his eyes.

As the race began, Soul felt adrenaline surge through him. They navigated the virtual track, and as they raced neck and neck, Keeho leaned closer, his voice low and teasing. "You're going to need more practice if you want to beat me."

"I'll catch up!" Soul replied, gritting his teeth as he focused on the screen. Just as he made a sharp turn, he felt Keeho's hand brush against his arm, and the sudden contact sent a thrill through him.

With a final push, Keeho pulled ahead and won the race, throwing his hands up in victory. "Yes! I told you I'd win!"

Soul couldn't help but laugh, despite his disappointment. "You're lucky this time. Rematch?"

"Definitely!" Keeho replied, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

They spent the next few hours playing various games, from air hockey to claw machines, where Keeho proved to be a master at winning stuffed toys. He delighted in handing Soul a plush bear, beaming with pride. "See? Just for you!"

Soul's heart fluttered at the gesture. "Thanks, Keeho! This is so cute."

As they continued their arcade adventure, Soul started to notice a few groups of girls casting glances their way. He felt a slight knot of anxiety in his stomach, remembering the whispers from school.

"Everything okay?" Keeho asked, catching the change in Soul's expression.

"Yeah, it's just... those girls keep looking over here," Soul admitted, trying to brush it off.

Keeho frowned, his brow furrowing. "Let them look. They can't do anything about us being together."

Soul appreciated Keeho's confidence but felt a wave of discomfort wash over him. "I know, but I just wish it didn't feel so... public."

Keeho placed a reassuring hand on Soul's back. "Let's just focus on having fun. I'm here with you, and that's what matters."

With Keeho's words echoing in his mind, Soul took a deep breath and tried to shake off his insecurities. They moved on to the next game, and soon laughter filled the air again as they engaged in a friendly competition.

As they played a dance game, Keeho challenged Soul to a dance-off. "Come on, I know you've got some moves!"

Soul laughed, feeling a rush of adrenaline. "Okay, but don't blame me if you lose!"

The two of them jumped onto the dance pads, and the music blasted through the speakers. Keeho danced with enthusiasm, his moves fluid and confident, while Soul tried to keep up, a mixture of determination and laughter spilling out of him.

Their playful competition drew the attention of onlookers, and Soul felt a rush of exhilaration as they danced side by side, the world fading away around them.

After the song ended, Keeho held his arms out wide, grinning. "See? That's how you do it!"

Soul couldn't help but smile back, feeling a sense of joy wash over him. "Okay, maybe that was fun!"

Just then, one of the groups of girls approached them, clearly starstruck by Keeho. "Hey! You were amazing out there! Can we take a picture with you?" one of them asked, eyes wide with excitement.

Soul's heart sank slightly at the attention, but Keeho looked thrilled. "Sure! Let's take a picture!" he replied, stepping forward.

As the girls gathered around Keeho for the photo, Soul stood slightly to the side, feeling the familiar knot of anxiety tightening in his chest. He forced a smile, trying to push past the feeling of being an outsider in this moment.

After the picture was taken, the girls exchanged excited chatter before walking away. Soul watched them go, feeling a wave of uncertainty wash over him.

Keeho turned back to Soul, a wide smile on his face. "See? They think I'm awesome!"

"Yeah, you are," Soul admitted, his voice quiet. "But I don't want to be just the sidekick to your fame."

Keeho's expression softened, and he stepped closer, concern etched on his face. "Soul, you're not just a sidekick. You're my boyfriend, and that's what makes this special."

Soul met Keeho's gaze, feeling his heart flutter at the declaration. "I just worry about how things will be when the excitement fades."

Keeho reached out, taking Soul's hand in his. "We'll figure it out together. You mean more to me than any of this," he said, gesturing around them. "I like you for who you are, not just because of the attention."

Feeling a rush of warmth and affection, Soul squeezed Keeho's hand. "I'm really glad to hear that."

They moved to the photo booth, and as they posed together, Soul couldn't help but smile genuinely this time. Keeho's infectious energy brought out the best in him, and he felt more at ease.

With each silly pose, they both burst into laughter, capturing the moment with fun snapshots. As the photos printed out, Soul felt a renewed sense of confidence, knowing that no matter the external pressures, they had each other.

As they headed out of the arcade, Soul felt a sense of accomplishment. They had navigated the day together, facing challenges and insecurities, but most importantly, they had enjoyed each other's company.

"I had an amazing time today," Soul said as they walked down the street, the sun setting behind them. "Thank you for everything."

Keeho grinned, the warmth of the moment wrapping around them like a cozy blanket. "I had fun too! And don't worry about the outside noise. We're a team, remember?"

"Yeah, a team," Soul echoed, feeling more at peace with their relationship.

As they strolled hand in hand, Soul felt the weight of the world lift off his shoulders. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead as long as they were together.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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