A Surprise Visit

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Chapter 27: A Surprise Visit

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, and Soul was lounging in his room, scrolling through his phone while the sun streamed in through the window. He was wearing his favorite oversized shirt with cartoon characters all over it and mismatched pajama shorts that he couldn't believe he had decided to wear. He felt comfy, but the outfit was definitely not his most fashionable choice.

As he settled back into his pillows, Soul heard a loud knock on the door. Confused, he glanced at the clock. "Who could that be?" he mumbled to himself.

Before he could stand up, the door swung open, and in walked Keeho, all grins and sunshine. "Surprise!" he announced, like he was unveiling the grandest treasure.

Soul's eyes widened in horror as he took in Keeho's perfectly styled hair and trendy outfit, which made him look effortlessly cool. "What are you doing here?" Soul squeaked, trying to cover himself with his pillow.

"I just thought I'd come by and see my favorite dance partner!" Keeho said, stepping into the room like he owned the place. "But wow, nice outfit! You really know how to make a statement!"

Soul felt heat creeping up his cheeks. "This isn't what it looks like! I mean—uh, I wasn't expecting company!"

Keeho burst out laughing, plopping down on the edge of Soul's bed. "Come on! This is perfect! You're like a walking meme! I should've brought my camera!"

Soul buried his face in his pillow, groaning. "I can't believe you just walked in like this. I look ridiculous!"

Keeho leaned closer, a playful grin on his face. "Ridiculous? More like adorably quirky! I'm jealous; I wish I could pull off those pajama shorts."

Soul peeked out from his pillow, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"Nope! I genuinely think you're rocking that look," Keeho replied, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Now come on! Let's do something fun! Dance party in your room?"

Soul hesitated, glancing at his reflection in the mirror. He looked like a complete mess. "A dance party? Right now? In this outfit?"

"Exactly!" Keeho said, bouncing on the bed. "It'll be great! Besides, no one else is here to judge. Just us!"

Feeling the infectious energy radiating from Keeho, Soul sighed and finally sat up. "Fine! But only if you promise not to laugh too much."

Keeho's eyes widened dramatically. "No promises! But I'll try to keep it to a minimum. Maybe."

With that, he pulled out his phone and started blasting upbeat music. Soul couldn't help but smile, even as he felt slightly ridiculous. He stood up and joined Keeho, who was already dancing like no one was watching, totally in his element.

They danced around Soul's room, the music filling the space and pushing aside any embarrassment Soul felt. Keeho's energy was contagious, and soon Soul found himself laughing and moving along with him, his awkwardness fading away.

In between dances, Keeho would lean in closer, whispering silly comments or poking fun at their dance moves. "You should really consider a career as a professional pajama model!" Keeho exclaimed, striking a pose that exaggerated Soul's oversized shirt.

"Stop it!" Soul laughed, shaking his head. "You're the one who looks like a fashion icon!"

"Well, this is just my casual look!" Keeho replied, spinning around dramatically. "I save my best outfits for the stage!"

As they continued dancing and laughing, Soul felt the weight of his embarrassment lift completely. This was what he cherished—spontaneous moments filled with fun and laughter, especially with Keeho by his side.

After a while, they both collapsed onto the bed, breathless from dancing. "Okay, that was actually really fun," Soul admitted, grinning at Keeho.

"Told you!" Keeho said, panting slightly. "And I think you should rock that outfit more often. It suits your quirky charm!"

"Thanks, I guess?" Soul replied, still feeling a little bashful but happy at the compliment. "But I think I'll stick to wearing normal clothes when you visit next time."

"Normal is overrated! I'll take 'adorably weird' any day!" Keeho shot back, nudging Soul playfully.

Just then, Soul's phone buzzed on his nightstand, interrupting their banter. He picked it up to see a message from Jongseob asking if they wanted to hang out later. Soul smiled at the thought of his friends and quickly typed back.

"Who's that?" Keeho asked, peering over curiously.

"Just Jongseob," Soul replied. "He wants to know if we're free later."

Keeho's eyes lit up. "Tell him we'll bring the dance party with us!"

Soul laughed, shaking his head. "I don't know if he's ready for this level of chaos."

"Well, it'll be worth it!" Keeho insisted, standing up and striking another ridiculous pose. "The world needs to see the pajama dancing duo in action!"

Soul couldn't help but laugh at Keeho's antics. Maybe this day would turn out to be more fun than he initially thought. With Keeho around, anything was possible.

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This idea is so cute I just had to make a chapter for it 💕

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