Chapter 17 - Hunted

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You gasp in pain, laying in Ethan's arms. He holds you protectively close.

"It's okay. It's gonna be okay, Yn. William!" He whispers desperately.

"He's.. offline." You tell him. He looks down at you. "Be honest. Do I look as bad as I feel?"

"You have to save your strength. Don't talk." He tells you.

You reach for the side of his face to make him look at you. "If anyone ask about me, will you please lie? Will you tell them I wasn't afraid?"

"Listen to me. You are going to be okay. I'm with you now, and we're gonna get home. Together. Okay?"

"Together." You mumble, staring up at him. "That sounds nice."

Loud snarling comes from the corridor.


You whimper when Ethan moves. He grabs a light and then sees a guns laser coming closer. Holding the light up he sees Jason. "Jason?"

"Ethan." Jason hurries over to him, then hold the gun up aimed and looks around, talking to Ethan behind him. "We need to get to the observation deck, restart the engine and get off this planet."

"We landed?" Ethan frowns.


"Are we on Canis Majoris?"


"Where's everyone else?"

"We got separated." Jason says and then he notices you on Ethan's lap. "Oh! Yn?"

"We need to get her to medical." Ethan says, adjusting his hold on you.

"That thing is still out there. We need to get to the observation de-"

"I am not losing her. Now, help me." Ethan says sternly.


You gasp and grunt in pain as you walk hunched over Ethan and Jason shoulders. They walk through the corridor trying to get you to the medical bay. You yelp and whimper in pain.

"You're doing great, Yn."

"I can't.." You cry and start to hyperventilate. Ethan stops and makes you look at him.

"Okay, look at me. You need to be brave, like I know you can be. You hear me?" Ethan tells you.

You then hear a load roar. Something grabs your legs from behind and you scream. It pulls you to fall in the floor and starts to drag you away.

"Grab her!" Ethan and Jason get a grip on your hands. "Don't let go!"

The creature tugs you harshly and you get ripped out of their grip, disappearing into the darkness.

"No!" Ethan exclaim.


"Ethan, get up!" Jason grab his shoulder.

"I had her!" Ethan cries, panting on the floor. "I had her!"

"Ethan, we have to go now!" Jason tries to pull him with but Ethan just stare out in the dark corridor where you disappeared. The last image of you burned to his mind.

They start moving again and then have to hide when they hear approaching thumping and louder growling. The creature walk past them in the dark as they hide.

"Okay, go." Ethan whispers and they move. He grabs an axe from the wall on the way.


They get to the observation deck. Looking around in the dark, they get startled by Javier suddenly appearing. Then more of them stand up behind him.

"Is everyone alright?" Ethan asks.

"Well, no one's injured, if that's what you mean." Zayn says. "Where's Yn?"

Jason looks at Ethan who clenches his jaw and looks away, tears in his eyes that he's trying to keep at bay for now.

"Is she alive?" August asks.

"We need to get this ship in the air." Ethan just says.

"Wait a sec. Hold up. Some of us need a second." Michelle says, breathing heavily.

"She's dead, isn't she?" August asks Ethan with a sympathetic look.

"What are they doing?" Michelle then asks.

"First contact. We must follow procedure." Sasha says coming closer. "Ethan, there's a protocol."

"How's the protocol working so far?" Javier asks him.

"No one on Earth is gonna know how dangerous these things are." Zayn says worriedly.

"If someone fixed the comms like they were supposed to."

"Everybody, shut up!" Ethan whisper shouts to them. "We don't need to tear each other apart, because that thing is gonna do it for us. We gotta stick together. Everybody strap in. Here's what's gonna happen. We are going to get our engines back up and running. We are going to deal with the hitchhiker, and then we are going to set course for Earth to tell everyone that these aliens are not friendly. Do it."

Jason slams the button and the engine roars. The ship rumble and rattles as the ship takes off from the planet.

"This mission is not over. So we get our shit together and we keep going, you got it?" Ethan says, and wipe a tear he felt shedding from losing you.


When back in space, the group sneak through the corridors silently. One by one gets snatched away from the back of the row.

Ethan turns around and sees them and all the blood splattering. Standing by the emergency EXE button, he looks at Jason. Reluctantly, he presses the button to close off that ships half, Jason still inside with the creature.


The crew stand around Ethan's soma tube. You look at him still in soma sleep, even though the tube is open and everyone else is awake.

"William, what is going on? Why are we all awake but Ethan isn't?"


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