Chapter 19 - Stay on course

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Ethan's body is jerking more now from whatever he's dreaming about in soma. While Zayn is trying to get the soma needles out of his neck. You try to hold him but he's still spasming and twitching.

"Guys, help Yn hold him." Zayn says and the ones closest help you hold. "I can't remove the somatic implant while he's trashing around. If I am off by even a fraction, he's dead."

"His limbic systems gonna hyperactive." William informs.

"Translation?" Jason tells him.

"His emotions are going haywire."

You have tears running down your face.

"I'm sorry, Yn, but I can't do this." Zayn then looks at Jason, shaking his head.


"Let me out." Ethan pounds on the door, wanting to get away from this memorial. "Let me out!"

An alarm blares and the same EXE button appears beside the door. He looks back and see Hudson walking toward him. Pressing the button he gets through the door.

Suddenly he is in a backyard. He looks confused around at the garden party. Music in the background playing and kids playing and people conversing. Then Erik casually walk up beside him.

"Erik!" Ethan says and hug his brother for finally seeing him again after being gone for the mission for a long time now. "I missed you so much."

Erik freeze confused at his brother's sudden hug and then chuckles.

"Okay. I missed you too, bro. Ah, Yn, it's good to see you." Erik says when Ethan pulls away from the hug.

Ethan follows his line of sight to see you walking up to them. You're dressed in a lovely sun dress and look beautiful. You smile and wrap your hands around Ethan when you reach them. He looks at you in awe and then glance around at the party.

Ethan frowns at the party. "It's Jana's birthday? I missed her birthday?"

"What are you talking about? It's today." Erik says, then see Jana. "Jana, no running by the pool." He then goes to her.

Ethan looks around, still confused. You tug the collar of his shirt and he turns his attention to you. You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his around your waist. It wasn't unusual for you to be in Jana's birthday party, Jana loved you and invited you the last three years you've known her. However, acting like this around him was a bit strange, though he definitely enjoyed it.

"Look.. I know you're thinking about work. The slingshot around Sirius? It's all over the news. But Yerxa's got a handle on it, you trained him yourself." You reassure him.

He frowns. "Yerxa's leading the Salvare? I stayed on Earth? And you.."

"Well, they asked you, but.."

He then clench his jaw. "Damn soma sleep." Ethan mutters angrily as he realises what's happening.


You're sitting in the mess hall with the others. Zayn told you to get changed like the rest and eat. Bernie puts a plate on the table in front of you.

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