Petra is now in the isolation room in the med lab, still retching, gasping, groaning, shaking in her restraints."It's not a stroke. There's no history of epilepsy. There's nothing in her charts." Zayn tells Ethan.
"That planet? Could we have brought something back that was contiguous?" Ethan asks him.
"What's that?" Bernie asks, they turn to him and then Petra trying to tell them something. "We can't hear you."
She manages to rip off her restraints and move closer to the glass. "Please throw me out the airlock. You have to throw me-" She groans and chokes. "Ethan! Please!" She gasps in sobs.
You stand in the observation deck with the others. It's silent.
"If this was a virus.. or some kind of bacteria, wouldn't we be showing symptoms?" You ask them.
"Yeah, if someone sneezes on you, it doesn't mean you automatically catch a cold."
The door opens, Ethan, Zayn and Bernie walks in.
"Okay, so Petra is stabilised, so we-" Zayn says but Michelle interrupts him.
"Nuh-uh! Stop right there, farm boy!" She says looking at Bernie who walk in behind Zayn. "You back the-"
"Michelle-" Ethan says but she shouts.
"No!" She walk further away from Bernie's side of the room. "That evil little parasite got dragged in with his soil samples."
"Oh, no, my soil samples were sterilised. All of them." Bernie defends.
"Stop talking! You're breathing it on us." Michelle yells.
"No, I'm not!"
"Okay, enough!" Ethan's powerful voice silences the room. He nods for Zayn to continue.
"Petra's blood and urine came back clean. Which makes sense. She didn't even step foot on that planet."
"So it's not a virus, then?" Jason asks. "It's not communicable?"
"Well, the only thing that was wonky were her stress hormones which were all elevated."
"No shit, she was stressed. She was flopping on the floor like a fish." Oliver says.
"Alright, we have other fires we need to put out. Where are we with comms?" Ethan asks Michelle.
"As screwed as we were yesterday. Same goes for long-range navigation."
"So, we're lost and we can't even tell anybody?" Sasha asks. "Awesome."
William appears. "We're not completely lost. We have one reference point."
"Sirius A." Ethan says. "Backtrack, reorient. Find our original course. Do it."
"Got it." William disappears.
"August, get somatic back up and running. Take Oliver. Jason, we'll see what we can do with the FTL drive. Javier? See if you can help Michelle with comms."
"I don't need help."
"Are they working?" He then asks her, she doesn't answer. "Look, I know you're all on edge right now and I am right there with you, but that is no reason to panic. We need to stay focused on the things that we have control over. Right now, it's getting back on course."
"Uh, what can I do to help?" Sasha asks. "Cause I'm not entirely useless."
"Get people coffee. Keep them fed." Ethan just tells him and leave.

Another Life (Oc x reader)
FanfictionI do NOT own anything from Another Life, this is only a fanfiction. All credit goes to the creators! An Oc x reader story. - Oc takes Niko's place and Yn is an added character to the story. Set in the future, an anomaly from space appears in Earth's...