Chapter 36 - Deactivate William

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Later the lights flicker and turns off. Ethan frowns. Grabbing a flashlight, he goes out to the corridor.

"William?" Ethan uses a flashlight to find his way in the dark hallway as the lights got turned off. "Where are you?"

Bernie and Zayn see him. "We've been calling him, too."

"The whole ship's dark?"

"Upper levels out. Not sure about the lower decks." Zayn tells him.

"Alright. I'm gonna go check on Beauchamp. You two se if you can go find som ans-"

He stops mid sentence when he hears you through the speakers. "Zayn? I need your help."

Ethan immediately takes off to where you say you are, Zayn and Bernie right after him.


Sasha finds William in the mess hall. He's glitching, mutter and stammer to himself. The lights and electricity crackle around the room.

"William, is this all because of you?"


"What about it?"

"Neurons.. generating new data, but.. Ah! I ca-I can't.. I can't process.. process it.. while I'm managing the ship, the ship. Gah! Dark matter out there, is getting in here.. seeping through the sh-.. through the shields. Salvare can't survive this. I can't survive this."


Ethan run past the corner and see you doing compressions on Javier on the floor.

"I found him like this." You tell them.

"He was fine 15 minutes ago." August says.

Zayn checks on him. "He's breathing."

"Can we move him?" Ethan asks.

"Support his head and get him to med lab."

"Go grab a stretcher right now." Ethan tells Bernie.


"He's weak. Use it, Sasha. Make him turn himself off." The alien in Sasha's head tells him.

"What if you reboot? Restart? Will that work?" Sasha suggests to William.

"I need Javier.. Javier to oversee it."

"Javier is still under the influence. Tell me what to do."

"Go to engineering.. I've unlocked the system.. Find a computer deck."

"Then what?"

"You'll find the code. Find the code. Enter it, press return, and I'll reboot. I'll reboot."

"Okay. So you're shutting down now?"

William disappears.


Everyone is helping carry Javier with the stretcher to the med lab. Getting there the power gets back up again.

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