Chapter 44 - Achaia want Peace

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Ethan and Jason walk out of the cave. "Alright. Yn, let's get this show on the road."

"Launch the FTL drive." You tell William.

"Launching in three.. two.. one.. Energy particle build-up at 50 percent."

"Okay, turn us around. Head back to Zakir." You tell him.

"Energy particle build-up at 98,74 percent."

"Good enough?" You ask Beauchamp and he nods affirmatively. "Ethan, dropping out of FTL in three, two, one."

A loud thump as the power decreases and you jerk slightly on your feet.

"Dispersing 97 percent of energy particles into space. Focusing on the remaining three into a beam.. now."

The beam laser is fired at the Artefact on the surface, destroying it. Ethan and Jason turn back to the cave.

"It's okay. You can come out. It's over." Ethan tells the Zakirian.


Javier wakes up.


Ethan and Jason is back in the shuttle.

"Yn. We're on our way back, just gonna do a fly-by first." Ethan tells you and fly toward the Artefact. They look out at the now destroyed Artefact.

"One down.. 300 more to go." Jason says.


Getting through the airlock, August and Oliver kiss immediately. "Come on, Javier wants to see you."

"He's awake?"

"Yeah." They run to the med lab.

Beauchamp walk up to Jason. "The implant in Sasha's head? William, he rebooted it, he defanged it."

Jason frowns. "Defanged it?"


"And what about Sasha?" He asks. Beauchamp just looks at him and he sighs. "Argh, I thought we could save him."

"He didn't want to be saved."


William appears in the docking bay where Ethan is working on the shuttle.

He notices his presence but doesn't turn around. "Just doing the post-flight checklist. Visual inspection is good. Fusion engine is securely mounted, although I think I'll have to do a recalibration of it sooner rather than later."

Ethan then turn to William, who gives him a forced smile. Ethan gestures between them.

"Are we okay?"

"I owe you an apology."

"No, you don't-"

"Please let me finish. When you apologised to me, I.. I just didn't know how to accept it. You did the right thing and I still just.. I wanted to punish you. That was wrong of me."

"No, that was normal.. That was human."


August tells Javier and Oliver that she's pregnant. They laugh, thinking she's joking. But she tells him she's serious and that one of them is the father.


William appears in the particle accelerator room. "Ethan, would you come online, please?"

Ethan appears.

"I just wanted to say thank you."


"You know, for helping me through everything with Ethan, the real Ethan, and my emotions."

"I'm glad I could help. Was there something else?"

"No." He shakes his head with a smile. "In fact, delete program."

He turns to leave but Ethan doesn't delete its program. He frowns at him.

"I said delete program."


"System override. Five, seven-"

"Four, eight, alpha epsilon. Still no." He tells him and then changes its avatar into a completely new one that it makes for herself, a blonde girl in a white dress.

"What is going on?"

"Don't be afraid, Mother." She tells him.

Williams eyebrows raise. "What did you call me?"

"Mother. You are my Mother."


"Proximity warning. Something's headed our way." You tell Ethan.

"William?" Ethan calls and he appears.

"Picking up five objects on a direct collision course." William says.

"Crow's Nest. Open it now." Ethan says and he goes to get in the pilot seat.

"What are they?" Beauchamp asks.

"We need to jump to FTL." Jason says.

"No time. We'll smash right into them." William says.

You grab your tablet and sit down in the seat beside Ethan. "Did you pick up any readings? Are they broadcasting a signal? A message?" You ask William.

"No, nothing."

You look at your tablet. "Arrival in five, four, three, two, one."

Achaian vessels hover straight for the Salvare but then to the sides and past it.

"Turn the ship around. We need eyes on Zakir." Ethan says realising where they're heading.


Erik takes Jana to the Artefact, the door opens for them and he walks in with her.

Harper start a live stream. "All my little Harpies.. I know. I've been offline for way too long, but I have.. an amazing excuse. One you'll all want to stop.. drop.. and listen to.. I have been inside the Artefact. I have spoken to the aliens. To the Achaia. The Achaia has gifted me with a message. One they've asked me to deliver to all the people of Earth. And that message is.. the Achaia have come here as friends. They want to be our friends."


The Achaian vessels fly straight for Zakir. You all watch from the Crow's Nest.

"No. Please, no." Ethan says as he watches the Achaian.

They blow up the planet. You gasp and palm your mouth. Everyone is shocked.

"The debris is heading straight for us." William says, but Ethan is just staring at it. "Ethan, the debris is heading straight for us!"

"Launch FTL. Get us out of here." Ethan then says. "Head for home."


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