Chapter 32 - Dark Matter

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"Twenty-five seconds until we enter the field of dark matter." You inform everyone on the observation deck.

"Thought you said we had half an hour?" Bernie asks you.

"Yeah, but that was just an estimate William had."

"Yeah, a shitty estimated." Bernie says looking at William as he walks past him. You give William a sympathetic smile.

Zayn goes to check on everyone and when he gets to Javier he jumps slightly, startled by him. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just, uh, jumpy. Working too hard."

You open the Crow's Nest and walk in to Ethan sitting in the pilot seat.

"Ethan." You give the back of his head an disapproval look. "Your hair.. it looks like a-You know, you don't have to take the 'Crow's Nest' literally." You tell him, patting and combing his messy hair to tame it.

He doesn't react to it, too focused on piloting and is used to you always fixing up his hair in any kind of situation. It's when you do it for more than a quick fix or even give him a head massage that he really stop to enjoy it.

Once satisfied, you get in the seat beside him, and read your tablet, getting ready to assist him. Beauchamp stand in the entrance of the Nest, looking at the field of dark matter in awe.

"Wow. That is amazing."

"Fifteen seconds." You inform Ethan.

"All that.. that nothing. It's.. No lights. So weightless but heavy. Hypothetical but real. Just the trippy absence of.. anything whatsoever." Beauchamp says.

"That's what worries me."

"Five seconds." You tell him.

"Everyone, here goes." Ethan then says.

You start counting down. "Four.. Three.. Two.. One.. And we're in."


Your eyes are glued to your tablet. "All stable." You frown, slightly surprised. "We're fine."

"Okay." Ethan gets out of the seat and walk into the observation deck. He points at Beauchamp. "First shift."

"I'm excited."

"Stay alert. Navigations down. Tonight you're pilot and lookout."


You walk into the mess hall with the others, and take a seat at the table.

"Want me to keep an eye on Beauchamp?" Jason asks Ethan before taking a seat.

"No. He's a trained pilot. He'll be fine." He tells him, taking the seat beside you.

"Hey, hey, hey. No tablets at the table." Bernie tells you and Zayn.

"Oh, it's work." Zayn tells him.

"I'm watching cat videos." You say sarcastically, he looks at you confused and then you give him an unamused look and show him the tablet, clearly not cat videos.

"It's still a tablet at the table." He says and you put yours away.

"I'm tracking the crews biometrics going from regular space to dark matter. It will be interesting to see what makes you tick." Zayn then tells him.

"Hey, Bern, room for one more?" Sasha asks coming with a salad bowl.

"Oh, yeah. You made this?"

"Yeah. It's a cider vinaigrette my grandmother used to make. She said it came over with the Harrisons on the Mayflower."

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