Chapter 29 - Particle Accelerator

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Ethan is just floating in space. Then the Salvare suddenly appears again. He sighs in relief. "Jason!" He laughs breathlessly.

"Ethan, can you hear me? It's Jason. Come in." Jason tries the comms from the pilot seat on Salvare.

You stand in the Crow's Nest with him, looking around too. "Ethan, it's Yn. We're back."

"Try his locator chip." Jason tells the others in the observation deck behind you.

Ethan pants a chuckle as he looks at the Salvare getting closer. "Come to Daddy." His smile fades as the ship pass him.

"He would've turned on his signal by now." Jason says.

"Try the heat scan." You then say.

"Yeah. His suits gonna be packing in most of his body heat, but not all of it." Javier says and move to the screen. "Scanning. It's a needle in a billion haystacks, but.."

You look out into space. "Come on, Ethan. Where are you?"

"Think, Ethan." Ethan tells himself. Looking at his wrist tablet, he sees he has 4,0 percent oxygen left.

"Ugh. This is gonna suck." He pulls up a tool on his belt and poke a hole in the suit on his wrist. Then touch something that gives off a small blast off him.

Jason and you whip your head toward the sudden blast in space. You chuckle happily. Loosing more oxygen, he starts to get his dizzy.


"He's hypothermic." Zayn says as they carry him inside the Salvare. "If we don't warm him up, he'll go into cardiac arrest."


Ethan's eyes flutter open and is met with the sight of you looking down at him with a relieved smile.

"Hey." You say, caressing his head. "You're okay."

He looks up at you with soft smile, just enjoying the sight. It's the most beautiful and his favourite view, you. A view he wish he could wake up to everyday.

Jason happened to walk in right then, he didn't mean to interrupt but you turn your attention to him. When you see him, you smile and walk out to give them a moment. He nods to you as you pass him and then walk over to Ethan.

"Ethan.. I'm.. I'm so sorry."

He frowns at Jason. "For what?"

"For what I said on that moon and earlier."

"It's okay."

"No, I was.. I was out of line."

"We both were, Jason. It's okay.. Look, don't let my bullshit get in your head, okay?" Ethan tells him. "If you need advice about how, ask Yn, she's an expert." He then says and Jason laughs.

Jason sniffles slightly, having felt awful and scared of losing his mentor and friend.

"Everything you have accomplished.. how far you've come.. you did that all on your own."

Zayn politely interrupts. "Okay, guys, sorry, but visiting hours is over."

The ship rumbles and the light buzzes.

Ethan frowns. "The damage to the hull. Did you guys investigate that?"

"What damage?" Jason frowns at him.

"The exotic matter containment unit?" Ethan sits up to get out of the patient bed. "The gravity's building up too much pressure over there. I have to go."

Jason takes off running and Ethan tries to get up but Zayn stops him.

"No, no, no. You need to rest. He's got this." He tells Ethan.

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