Chapter 56 - Neutrinos

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"Javier is a member of our crew. He's not a science experiment." Zayn tells them.

"The implant is Achaian tech. Like, how do we know it's not turned to dust too?" Bernie also.

"Is it?" Richard asks Zayn.

"Based on my latest scans, it's showing slight degradation. But no. The immune system seems to be shielding the implant, possibly repairing it."

"I don't blame you for pushing back."

"Removing Javier's implant is unethical. Criminal. He's in a coma. He's not dead."

"We cannot continue to play defense against a species that destroys planets on a whim."

"Look, Javier would volunteer if he could." Bernie tells Zayn.

"Yeah, and I would try and stop him."

"And you'd be wrong." Bernie sighs. "Look, we don't know what the Achaia are doing back on Earth. But if they're as nasty as they are here, this could save everybody."

"This is not a discussion." Richard says. "Either you do the surgery or I wake up a doctor who will.


"If anyone can save him, it's-"

"I'm about to do keyhole brain surgery. Now is not the time, Bernie."

The moment Zayn gets in to his brain, it sizzles and Javier wakes up. He gets up from the bed and grab Zayn, not seeming like himself. Bernie push a button and the alarm blares. Javier turn to him and walk to him. Dillon comes into the med lab from behind and attacks Javier before he can hurt Bernie. He grabs him and hold him down. Richard goes to just get the implant out.

"Wait! It's complicated brain surgery!" Zayn says as Bernie holds him back.

"And if that implant turns to dust before we get it out of him, then it's no good to anyone."

"You're killing him!"

"Got it." Richard pulls it out. The alien implant screeches. He then looks at Javier. "His sacrifice will not be in vain."


"But they're all dead. They said Earth was next." Jason says, breathing heavily.

"None of it was real, Jason." Ethan tells him.

"You know, whatever they offered you, you resisted it. I was about to give in." He says, disappointed with himself.

Ethan turns to him. "Hey, look at me. It's over, and I need you. You hear me?"

He nods slightly still breathing heavily. "Yeah."

"I still need you."

"Okay. I got you. I'm here."

"Let's go."

They get to the shuttle.

"The rings so degraded. I bet we could just fly out of here."

"Not in our shuttle. The engines were ripped out of it."

"Ethan! Ethan, look!" Jason points at the Salvare. "They came back!"

"But they have no idea we're even here, and we can't use our comms."

"No, actually we can."

Ethan look at him confused.

"The Achaia are smart, but they didn't think of everything. I can hot-wire a signal using the helmet comms." Jason tells him.


"The magnetar has unleashed another energy burst." You tells Richard from the observation deck.

"Bernie, talk to me."

"We're set."

"Impact in three, two, one." You count down.

A loud explosion and the ship shakes violently. Richard loose balance falls to the floor in the med lab. The implant disintegrates to dust like the piece earlier.

"That's was a hell of a lot stronger." He says as he stands back up with a grunt.

"Yep, and it's begun degrading our mainframe. We can't withstand another impact that size." William tells him.

"Did it work?" Richard asks Bernie. "What you got?"

Bernie frowns. "It's neutrinos."

"That's it? Neutrinos?"

"I don't understand. Neutrinos are everywhere. They pass through us all the time. They're harmless."

"Harmless to us, but not Achaian tech, apparently. Molecules knocked out of atoms, protons ripped apart. Think of the burst like.. like streams of water. With enough concentrated force, water can cut through steel." William says.

"We can make a weapon." Richard says. "Prepare to jump."

"Jump? Whoa. Ethan and Jason are right there." Bernie says.

"Are you picking up any signs of life?" Richard asks William.

"No, nothing."

"I'm sorry. Meet me on the observation deck. We're going home." Richard says and leave the med lab.

"Yn is not gonna take this well." Bernie says looking at William and Zayn.


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