Chapter 66 - Cosmic Strings

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"We'll have to ration." Ethan sighs.

"Twenty-four extra mouths to feed is a lot, but I can make it work."

"Yn might be able to help you out if you need." Ethan tells Bernie, who he nods.

"I'll organise sleeping arrangements. They'll have to sleep in shifts, avoid doubling up." William says.

"William.. The one good thing Gabriel did do was find us a faster route home. Shaved a month off our travel time. See if you can improve on that." Ethan tells him.

"I'll try and work some magic."

He smiles. "I know you will."

Ethan then goes to leave the mess hall but stop when Richard stands there waiting for him.

"You feel like letting your brother know you're on your way home?"


"You know all those tiny cracks in ice cubes? Cosmic strings are like that. Ultra-thin, energy-dense cracks left over from when the universe was forming. Until today, they were theoretical. We've never been able to detect them." Iara tells Ethan, standing in the particle accelerator room.

"No human has. Thankfully, we've got Iara." Richard says.

"And you've found one?"

"Yes. Within this star system. It's low tension, but we might be able to use it the way Achaia use them and get the superluminal comms up and running."

"Plotting trajectory around the cosmic strings. We're gonna have to draw power from it while also utilising its curvature of space-time thread the wormhole." Dillon says. "I have not done this before, and it is gonna be tricky. Negative matter production is stable."

"I've isolated a cosmic string. Inputting coordinates.. now."

"Wormhole formation in three, two, one.. Wormhole is stabilising."

Electricity crackles and the light go off, then turn back on.

"Wormhole was stable for.. 13 seconds before it collapsed."

"It worked?"

"Long enough to receive a massive data dump from Earth." Dillon tells him.

"Can we send messages back?"

"Eventually. But look what we've got here."

"Mission updates from USIC, going back to where we lost comms around Sirius A. And personal messages from home." Ethan says while looking at the list.


"Hey. You get anything?" Richard asks Zayn as he walks up behind him in the corridor.

"Yeah, a message from my parents."

"Good news?"

Zayn turns to him. "Richard, I have zero interest in small talk. Or any talk that isn't job-related. But, if you're desperate for a chat, I can pull Javier out of cryo. You know what outside stimulation does to come patients." He tells him and walk away.

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