Chapter 63 - Personal Assistant

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Three years ago.

Ethan is working a lot and it is affected the quality of his performance. Not very much, but he gets an offer of getting a personal assistant.

"I don't need that."

"I know. You don't need it, but everyone in your position still gets the offer to have. Not everyone takes it when they're offered. But not everyone gets the offer, it's only for the ones in your position and higher ranked. It helps them focus on the most important part of their work and therefore do an even better performance, even better than why they got the job in the first place. It can be a very helpful asset.
If it's a good match, it can make you better."

"What does a PA do, anyway? For someone in my position."

"Your PA can help both on the workplace and even at home to some extent. Generally, they assist with keeping individuals organized and on schedule. It can include running errands, managing calendars, taking notes and responding to correspondences. In your position that also means you'll need a PA that has the knowledge and skillsets to join you when you go on missions, more specifically that includes space related training and certain general knowledge and skills relevant for the kind of work that will incline."

"So the PA is also an astronaut?"

"Can be an astronaut, to some extent, when needed to, but they're job up there will still just be to assist and make your job easier when commanding a ship with a crew. They don't have a specific education like in engineering or medical. They will have the training to at least know how to spacewalk, but only for the purpose of just having been through the training in case of emergency. The PA's job is to assist you in your day to day life, to help improve your work performance."

"And you think I need one?"

"No, you don't need one, but I think you'd only benefit for it. You are one of our best assets to USIC and the military, Ethan. However, I believe with this PA, you could be even better. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you need one."

"Well.. I'd be willing to try it out, but.. I don't feel comfortable with having a stranger involved in my personal life."

"What personal life?"

Ethan gives him annoyed look and he chuckles.

"You decide how much you want the PA involved."

"Alright.. When can he start?"

"She, it's a girl.. I have already chosen your PA. I believe you two will make a great team.. Also, I need to remind you, it's against the rules and in your position I have to inform you that it's even punishable for the two of you to be romantically involved."

"That won't be a problem." He frowns. "Why do you feel the need to specify that for me? You know me."

He just looks at him for a moment, then shrugs. "Just procedure to mention it."

"Okay, then, when can I meet 'her'?"

"Right now." He says and goes to open the door.

You walk in with a friendly smile and when you turn toward Ethan, his breath hitches in his throat. He stares at you as you approach, to him it's like you're walking in slow motion. You outstretch your hand for him.

"Hello, Mr. Stone, my name is Yn." You tell him.

Slowly he takes your hand as he stands up and shakes it. "Yn.." He's hypnotised by your beautiful smile, but clears his throat to wake up. "And, uh, just Ethan is fine."

You smile brighter, if that's even possible. Ethan realises why Frost had the need to specify about the rule, and as you sit down, he gives him a glare. Frost just chuckles inaudibly and leave the room for the two of you to talk.

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