Chapter 67 - Manually

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"You mutiny cause you don't agree with protocol?" Jason asks Paula.

"We came through USIC together. You know I'm not a psychopath who'd eradicate an entire species."

He frowns at her. "I don't know what you'd do."

The door opens and Ethan comes through. He stops when Paula aims her gun at him.

"It's okay, Paula. We found a way. It's a shortcut back to Earth."

"An overpopulated planet in the middle of an alien invasion?" She scoffs. "I'll take my chances down there."

Jason makes the computer make a sound and it distracts Paula. Ethan move in to grab her gun, pushing her up against the shuttle. She drops the gun and he holds her.

"Cancel the launch sequence, Jason-"

Paula elbows Ethan and he slightly looses grip, she tries to punch him but he blocks her attacks and fights with her. Jason tries the computer.

"I can't, Ethan. She locked me out." Jason tells him, then he finally gets it cancelled.

"Launch sequence terminated."

Ethan throws her into the shuttle and she falls to the floor. Jason grabs the gun and aim at her. "That's enough, Paula."

"Confine her to her quarters." Ethan tells him.

"You have enough quarters to confine all of us?" She asks, getting back up on her feet. "Twenty-four colonists versus six Salvare crew and two holograms. If they even agree to come back up here."

"You don't have the supplies."

"We have an entire planet."

"I am not leaving without you."

"And we are not going alive."

"Just let them go, Ethan." Jason says.

"I can't."

"How many more of our friends have to die for this mission?" He asks him.

"I am doing this to save lives."

"I know. So, if letting Paula go means no one has to die, then just let her go. Think about the crew we still have. Think about Yn."

"Ethan, our window of opportunity is closing fast." You tell Ethan through the comms from the observation deck.

"Don't make me regret this." Ethan tells Paula and goes to the computer to activate the launch for her.

"Launching colony pods one through four to the planets surface." The Salvare announce.

"You can still come with me." Paula tells Jason.

"Just don't mess it up." He tells her and get out the docking bay with Ethan.


You glance behind you and see Ethan coming into the observation deck, then look back at your tablet. "We've arrived at the location of the high-tension loop." You tell him.

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