Aphi ran through the forest until he spotted her,
Mynx turned and tilted her head,
Aphi took a giant breath as he stopped running,
"Will you go to this star festival thing with me?"
Mynx sighed and put her hand on his shoulder,
Aphi raised his hand,
"Wait! I have an idea! I know you aren't allowed in the Capital, and I'm sure security will be heavy. But! What if we get you in a disguise?"
Mynx tilted her head,
"What about my mana?"
Aphi smirked and raised two bracelets that he was clutching tightly in his hand,
"These are old mana-supressing cuffs I nabbed on my way out of the Diamond Kingdom. I've been working on them the past few weeks to make them look like bracelets, they will work. So...what do you say? First star festival?"
Mynx immediately hugged him and rested her chin on his shoulder,
"Thank you!"
Aphi smiled and hugged her back,
"Hey, we are a team now. I was curious about this thing since Recca would not stop ranting about how cool it is that they could finally go,"
Mynx chuckled,
"Are you going to wear a disguise too?"
Aphi rolled his eyes,
"We have to be matching, so of course!"
Mynx laughed and let him go and grabbed his hand,
"Then, let's go! Did they leave?"
Aphi nodded,
"Yep! They just left, that's why I came running over to find you,"
Mynx smiled largely,
"Well, come on!"
Without letting go of his hand, Mynx dragged the two of them back to the church and into the small closet for the outfits. It took a few minutes, but they settled on a suit red suit for Aphi and were getting closer to finding an outfit for Mynx...but there was a small issue with that,
"You have a card tattoo on your shoulder?"
Mynx blushed and face palmed,
"I forgot,"
"How did I not notice this before?"
Mynx shrugged and patted his shoulder,
"It was an effect from Xander's spell, he used a powerful spell that leaves a mark, he has a matching one on his collar."
Aphi slowly nodded,
"Ah, well, we have to find a different outfit then,"
Mynx sighed in relief,
"Oh thank you, I hate dresses,"
Aphi smirked,
"Well, you might, but Mallow doesn't,"
Mynx deadpanned at him,
"Did you just combine my name with Shallow?"
Aphi scratched the back of his neck,
Mynx laughed and grabbed a small scarf,
"This will do, come on, let's go!"

The Vice Captain of the Crimson Lions
AdventureWhat if there was a Magic Knight with Cosmic Magic? Who is she to the Vermillion Family? What is her story? Mynx was orphaned as a baby, abandoned by her family right outside of a familiar village. The only difference is that a certain eldest siste...