In the Night

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Authors Note:

Hello readers! I know things ended in a cliff hanger-ish. I'm going to give you a lil piece of the sequel. Hope you like it! If anyone guesses where Mynx is. You get a brownie point 😲

Onto the chapter:

A flash of red and blonde hair streaked through the dense forest as he ran, his boots pounding the earth beneath him. The faint metallic tang of blood hung in the air, spurring him onward with a growing sense of urgency. His chest tightened with each breath as he sent up a desperate prayer, hoping to not be too late.

Thirty agonizing minutes later, he broke into a wide clearing. The sight that greeted him stopped him dead in his tracks.

A woman stood amidst the carnage, her silhouette framed by the dying glow of the setting sun. Her weapon was a spear that seemed almost otherworldly. With one swift, fluid motion, she severed the head of a demon. Its grotesque form crumpled to the ground with a sickening thud as it started disappearing.

But she wavered. Her shoulders sagged, the spear slipping from her grasp.


He started to sprint to her. Her knees buckled, and he caught her just before she hit the ground. Her weight was lighter than he expected, her body trembling with exhaustion. Blood seeped from countless wounds, staining her tattered clothing.


Her glazed eyes searching for someone who wasn't there. Her breathing grew ragged, her head lolling against his chest.

"Wait! Who is Leo? Ma'am, is someone with you?"

He scanned the clearing quickly, his sharp yellow eyes noting the blood-splattered earth and scorch marks left behind from a battle. He swore under his breath.

"Shit, I have to get you to safety,"

Gently, he brushed a strand of her blood-matted hair away from her face. His expression hardened as he took in the extent of her injuries—deep gashes and bruises covered her body.

"Did that demon do this to you?"

A low, menacing growl pulled his attention. He froze, his hand instinctively gripping the hilt of his sword. A massive wolf emerged from the shadows, its blue eyes locked on him. Its teeth were bared, its stance threatening. The man raised his sword defensively.

"Stay back,"

But the wolf didn't attack. It glanced at the woman in his arms and then back at him, its growl softening to a whine. Slowly, it pointed its snout toward her.

He blinked, confused.

"Do you... know her?"

The wolf nodded once, its intelligent gaze never leaving his.


He lowered his sword.

"If you can keep up, you can come."

The wolf gave a small huff of approval.

With renewed determination, he adjusted his grip on the woman and began running again. The wolf followed closely.

Every step felt heavier, the weight of the woman's life pressing on him like a physical burden. He pushed through the pain, his focus unrelenting. The mansion came into view, its gates tall and foreboding against the night sky.

Without hesitation, he burst through the entrance, his voice echoing through the halls.


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