Chapter Two

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~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

I woke up to an empty bed and empty house, which I might add that I was pretty much used to. I climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Today I was gonna go pick my beeper up from Solange. I didn't have to take a shower, because I already took a shower last night. I walked out and over to my phone. I saw Onika texted me. I smiled, and slid to the left to reply.

Onika 😍😈💦; Goodmorning Bey 💋

- Morning Nika 😘

Onika 😍😈💦; What you doing today?

- I'm picking up my nephew. Imma chill with him today.

Onika 😍😈💦; aww, I have my God daughter today with me.

I smiled knowing what I was gonna type next.

- You wanna chill together? ☺️

Onika 😍😈💦; Of course.

- Come to my house at 3:30. I have a park in my backyard.

Onika 😍😈💦; Okay, see you then. 😘

I smiled and walked into my big walk-in closet. Every time I think about her I get happy, like overly excited. What is this girl doing to me?

"Let's see what am I gonna wear?" I asked myself.

I walked over to my casual section. It's was incredibly hard to find something because of everything in here. I sighed as my phone rang. I hugged and picked it up. I saw my older sister, Solange calling. My expression softened and I answered.

"Hey Lange, wassup?" I asked pulling her on speaker and shuffling through my clothes.

"Hey you, you're still picking Julez, right?" She asked chuckling.

"Yup, he's gonna have a play date with one of my friend's god daughter's." I replied with a smile.

"Who, Bey?" She asked laughing.

"Onika." I replied grabbing a pair of shorts.

"My son's gonna be around Nicki Minaj, before I can even go to a concert of hers." She sighed causing me to laugh.

"I mean I guess boo." I replied laughing.

"Julez, I'm jealous of you." She yelled at him, "Because you get to hang out with Nicki Minaj."

He squealed in the background. He's always had a huge crush on her. I laughed.

"Not fair." She mumbled.

"It's fine, you meet her one day." I replied with a smile.

"Hopefully, let me go make sure this boy cleaned his room." She said laughing.

"Okay, I'll be there shortly." I replied laughing and grabbing a crop top.

"Okay, love you." She replied.

"Love you too," I said hanging up.

I grabbed my royal blue crop top along with my shorts. I grabbed my royal blue Toms and put everything on. I put a little makeup on, and crimped my hair. When I was done, I walked over put some lotion on my legs and sprayed some Chanel perfume on. I grabbed my phone, wallet, and purse, shoved everything in there. I walked downstairs quickly, grabbed my keys, and walked out the door. I walked over to my Range Rover. I climbed in and started it. I drove up to the gates and waited for the guard to open the gates. I pulled up a little bit to talk to him.

"I'll be back, don't let anyone in. Unless family members and close friends." I told him.

"You got it." He exclaimed.

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