Chapter Thirty-Two

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~ Draya Michelle's POV. ~

"Let's go Michelle, we can't believe some actually paid you bail." Officer Robinson said opening my door.

"What? Baby, you told me you wouldn't leave me!" Honey shouted.

"Baby calm down. I'll be back." I smile and kiss her lips.

She nodded her head and deep throats me.

"Give me some head really quick before I leave." I smirk against her lips.

"In front of the guard?" She questioned.

"What did u say?" I asked slowly becoming irritated.

She nodded her head and pulled me over to her. I need some signature head before I left.

After receiving my belongings, I walk my ass out and over to him, I smirked at my plan.

"Let's go. You fucking around with girls too?" He asked in disgust.

Looking his burnt ass up and down, "Yeah nigga is that a fucking problem?"

"Not at all." He smirked.

"Well drop me home, and I'll meet up with you later." I climb into his front seat.

Logging into Instagram, I take a quick picture. I had to let everyone know that a queen was out and ready to fuck up some shit. I caption my picture, "Did y'all miss me yet? 😏😎"

Pressing 'post', I watch the likes and surprise comments flow in. I wasn't going after Bey yet. After court date, I hopefully be after her. I had a few plugs in the law enforcement, so I was sure I could get a good judge that would help the kid out.

"That's fine, just be at my house around 8pm so we can discuss our new plane." He said.

I nodded my head and blank whatever he said out. I didn't care what he was talking about. I had already talked to my parole officer about going to Sacramento and she agreed after I gave some bomb ass head that I could stay up there as long as I visited her every weekend at her house.

Soon I was at my house, and I laughed.

"See you later." I mumbled climbing out.

"My house 8pm, aight?" He asked pointing at me.

"Don't point at me burnt motherfucker." I slammed his door.

Strutting up the stairs, I unlock my house and walk inside. Ain't no meeting bih, well at least not that I will be attending.

~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

"Babe you got mail." Onika handed me a letter.

"Oh god! Don't tell me I forgot to pay my rent on time." I mumbled to myself.

Looking at the envelope, I see it from my mother. Rolling my eyes at her backstabbing, I open the letter and read over it.

Dear Beyoncé,

As a mother, I may not have always been there for you or always supported you one hundred percent, but I can't live with myself knowing I kept Jay's secret.

I just wants to let you know that I'm sorry and I have something very important to tell you. I prefer to tell you over the phone baby.

Just know that I love you baby, even though I don't show it a lot.

Call mom when you get the chance.


Feeling a little bit better, I contemplate whether I should call her. She apologized, but I still can't get over the fact that she kept that away from me.

Folding the letter back and placing it back in the envelope.

"You okay babe?" Onika asked looking at me and sitting down.

"I'm fine, my mom wrote me a letter. You want to read it?" I asked her.

She shook her head no and replied, "No baby, that's between you and her. You seem a bit down, you want to talk?"

"She wants me to call her on the phone, b-"

"Call her." She cuts me off.


"Bey call her, I'll step out." She said seriously and walked out the room.

Figuring Onika was right, I dialed my moms number and wait for her to answer.

My Queen 👑❤️

"Hello? Bey?" My mom asked in a cheery voice.

"Hey mom, I missed you." I admitted.

Regardless what happened between her and I, I still love and forgive her. That's how I was raised.

"I missed you too baby. I so sorry Bey for what I did. I didn't mean for it to go that far." She sighed and her voice cracked.

My vision started to blur as tear formed. I was truly hurt from what happened.

"It's fine ma, I forgive you." I said wiping my tears.

"Thank you baby. I need to tell you something that will help you out." She stressed.

"Okay go ahead." I responded wanting to know more.

"Your father and I are getting a divorce." She cried.

That's when my whole world fell apart. My parents getting a divorce. I couldn't believe it. As much as my mom used me, I would never want her to lose someone like my father. A strong and independent black man. They were meant for each other.

"Well it finalized today. We are officially over." She corrected herself.

"Why mama? Why are y'all broken up?" I cried remembering the happier days.

"We had lots of differences and problems that's were very personal. I kinda always knew we weren't going last forever." She sighed.

"I'm sorry for that mama. Do you need ya help? Paying your bills?" I asked feeling bad and kinda knowing the reason why she took the money to be quiet.

"No baby, I actually gave Jay all of his money back. I'm going to try borrowing a loan from the bank to start up my clothing line back up." She sighed.

"You sure mom? I can help." I offered feeling my tears slip down my face.

"I'm sure baby." She said.

We talked for a little while longer and we hung up. She explained how she found out about Jay having a baby, and why she took the money. I still found no excuse for why she took it, but I didn't speak on it. My mom wasn't in the right state of mind for us to argue and I didn't have the energy.

Pulling my phone out, I text my dad. I needed to talk to him badly. Even through it would be awkward since we haven't had a real conversation since I was 2011. But this is new and improved Beyoncé she doesn't fear anything.

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