Chapter Forty Nine

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~ Onika Maraj's POV. ~

2 weeks later

"So y'all broke up?" Amber asked with a disappointed look.

"I don't think so. She said she just needed to clear her head." I mumbled fiddling with my nails.

Rihanna sighed and glanced at me, "Don't worry, if it's meant for you two to be, you'll be together."

"Yeah Nika, she just needs a little time to herself." Amber added with a reassuring smile.

I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't really in the mood to talk about Bey. I was only focused on getting this paper, but my mom suggested that I come up to NewYork for a while. Just to see the family and get my head straight.

"Whatever, I'm going up to NewYork for a while."

"Why?" Rihanna questioned laying her head on my pillow.

"To see my family. I miss them a lot." I sighed, closing my eyes.

"Oh lord, can I come?" They begged.

I giggled and nodded. I just wish I could get a text from her at least. I really miss her.

~ Beyonce Knowles's POV. ~

"Asyria, I really miss her man." I sighed.

She looked at me and groaned, "I'm so tired of you being sad."

"I just want to text her at least." I replied while picking up my phone.

These pass two weeks have been hell without Onika. I really miss her. I told her I needed to clear my head, just get my head straight. We were still in a relationship and everything.

She pushed my phone out hand softly and held them.

"Let's do something else..." She trailed off with a smirk.

She slid on top of my lap and smirked.

"Like what?" I questioned feeling a little nervous.

She didn't reply with words, but she kissed me. Her soft, plump lips landed on mine. At first I didn't kiss back, but everything felt so normal. It felt normal for her to be on my lap, it felt normal for her for lips to be on mine, and it felt normal for me to enjoy it. I slid my tongue in her mouth and gripped her asscheeks. She moaned in my mouth and deepened the kiss. I felt her fingertips playing with the hem of my shorts. I wanted to push her off, but I couldn't. I loved everything that was going on at the moment. Her tongue hit the roof of my mouth as her fingers slid into my shorts. I felt her fingertips softly playing with my clit. A moan slipped out and the kiss heated up even more.

"Let me get you some head baby." She pulled away.

I nodded my head as she pulled my shorts off completely. She tossed them somewhere and shoved her face in my wetness. At the moment, I wasn't no longer thinking. I cheated on my soulmate.

Woahhh! I didn't break them up, but this Asyria girl might.

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-Maya 🔥

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