Chapter Seven

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~ Onika Maraj's POV. ~

"What's so different about her Nick?" Draya asked smiling.

"She just is, she perfect in every way. She brightens my day by flashing her pearly smile. She's just amazingly." I smiled as I expressed myself to my friends.

They knew I was bisexual, so I didn't have to hide it. I like that I told them a while back, so it's not surprise. They were supportive either way I was. They didn't care, they were not judgmental at all. That's why I love them so much.

"Aww, Onika I think you're in love." Chyna smiled.

"No, I not." I expressed laughing a little.

Am I? I mean Bey means a lot to me, but love? Nah, not in love. At least I don't think so.

"Sure sound s like it." Heather laughed.

My phone vibrated and I smiled and looked at it.

Bey 💍💕; "I'm sorry, I fell asleep on FaceTime with you."

- "You fine, what you doing today?"

Bey 💍💕; "Anything you want to 😉"

- "I mean there a lot I want to do with you 😊😊😊😊. When you coming through?

Bey 💍💕; "Not sure, I just woke up. I think I might go out with my sister. 😕"

-  "Okay baby, I'll see you whenever you come back."

Bey 💍💕; "I'll be over around night time. 😘"

I smiled and replied "Okay." and locked my phone.

"Who you texting?" Amber asked laughing.

"None of your business. I want some head." I blurted out the last part.

They laughed and handed me my phone.

"Call Bey, did you get some pussy from her?" Chyna asked.

I nodded and smiled, "Why y'all handing me my phone?"

"So you can either call Meek or Bey?" Amber replied laughing.

"I'm working on getting in a relationship with Beyoncé. I don't fuck with fuck boys."

"Salute to that mami," Heather laughed.

I smiled and sat back. I wasn't gonna ask Bey for head of to fuck me with dildo until we get together. Right now, my plan is to please her.

~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

I pulled my romper over my booty and fixed it to my liking. Once I was finished I grabbed hat and purse. I slid into my pumps and walked downstairs. I grabbed my keys and placed my shades on my face. I walked out the door and looked at the 10 cars that was parked in the garage.

Bentley? Lamborghini? Or Mercedes Benz jeep? I asked myself.

I decided on the Benz since I haven't drove it in a while. I walked over and
got inside. As I inhaled and exhaled I noticed the new car smell. I strapped up and backed out as the garage door rose. I turned the will and drove straight. I drove up the gate and waited for the gate to open.

"No one is allowed on the property." I told him.

He nodded and I sped off. I turned my radio up and listened to whatever to radio played. I bobbed my head and sang a little as I heard 'I Bet' by Ciara came on. I turned it up a little louder and sand along with her. This explained Jay and I so well. Soon, I arrived at Solange's house and beeped the horn twice. She came out and Marcus her husband waved and smiled at me.

"Hey Mark." I replied calling him by his nickname.

"Wassup Bey?" He said laughing.

"Nothing much, how you doing?" I asked sticking my head out the window.

"Great, ya sister just off her rant." He chuckled.

"I'm sure I'll hear it, I'll see you later. Tell Julez and tell him I love him and I said "hey". I smiled.

"I will." He replied walking back into the house.

Solange rolled her eyes and got inside.

"Hey sis." She smiled.

"Hey Lange, whatchu been up too?" I asked smiling.

"Yelling at my dumb ass husband." She gritted.

"Oh god, what happened?" I asked chuckling.

She shook her and breathe in, "He broke mom's porcelain doll."

"Damn, mom told you to hold that while she moved into her new house." I laughed knowing she was in trouble.

She looked at me with a blank and continued to laugh.

"Ahaaa," I continued to laugh

"Aight, what you and Jay been up too?" She asked adjusting herself in her chair.

"Not to good, he's been really distant. I barely see his ass." I rolled my eyes at even remember his fat ass bottom lip.

"That's not good." She mumbled shaking his head.

"I know, what do you think he could be doing?" I asked her.

"Cheating Bey. It's right in front of you. You just need proof now." She replied.

"Trust me. I'm on it." I smirked.

"Well, headlines say you and Nicki Minaj has been hanging very very frequently." She smiled.

I tended a little. My family didn't know about my bisexualness. They didn't know I was attracted to women. I didn't want to tell them because I don't know how they will take it.

"Yeah, she's just a friend." I replied looking forward and forcing myself not to smile at the thought of her.

"Mhmm, headlines claim different." She mumbled.

"Okay, and that's one of my close friends, can you leave at that?" I argued.

She was really getting on my nerves at the moment. Like bitch, leave it the there.

"Okay damn," She laughed.

I rolled my eyes and turned up the radio. The rest of the ride was silent, just how I needed it to think.

Just a filler, lemme know what y'all think.

-Maya 😈

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