Chapter Six

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|Shawn Carter (Jay-Z) POV.|

"Aight baby girl. I'll see you later." I said kissing her forehead.

"Bye Daddy." She said kissing my nose.

"I'll see you Shawn tonight." Chanel smirked.

"Yes baby girl." I said kissing her cheek.

"Daddy when can we come to your house." Blu asked.

"When I get settled in baby." I lied.

I kissed her forehead.

"When you come back we have some things to talk about." Chanel mumbled.

I sighed and nodded. I walked over to my car. I started it and drove off.

Yes, I had another girl. I had another girl for about 3 years. I also had a child, that's wasn't by Bey. I don't know how Imma tell her. I guess I got to keep it a secret.

| Beyoncé Knowles's POV. |

"Let's make some brownies." I smiled.

"Hmm? I guess." She smiled.

We got up and walked into the kitchen.

"I wanna go somewhere." She said handing me a pan.

"Where you wanna go?" I asked her smiling.

"Shit, let's go out to eat with the crew and let's invite some niggas." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"Aight cool." I replied smiling and grabbing the ingredients.

"It's 4pm now, let's go out around 6pm or 7." She replied.

I nodded and continued to stir the ingredients.

"Babe, Jay's calling." She said showing me.

"I don't feel like talking." I mumbled.

She smirked and presses the end button.

"I'm bored bae." She replied causing me to smile.

"Maybe if you helped me, you would be bored." I sighed pouring the mix into a pan.

"After this lets take a bath." She said smiling.

I blushed, "Aight Nika."

She winked at me and placed the pan in the oven.

"Let's go beautiful." She smiled.

We walked up as she held my hand as we walked into the bathroom.

"Miss. Knowles, Mr. Carter's on the phone would you like to talk to him." The butler said.

"No thanks, tell him I'm busy." I replied as we walked into the bathroom.

"As you wish." He replied with a head nod.

Onika closed the door and smirked at me.

"Let's play some music." She smiled.

I nodded as I stripped out my clothes. I bent over to turn the tub on.

"Damn," She mumbled.

"What's the matter?" I asked turning around.

"Uhh, nothing." She said smiling.

I smirked knowing what she mumbling at. I knew from minute she offered to have a bath together something was going down. I mean all we do is have sex which at the moment is helping out a lot. I mean I've been missing out for 3 years messing around with Jay. Sex with Onika is like no other. It's intense, lustful, and enjoying. It's something I haven't experienced in a while.

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