Chapter Thirty- Eight

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~ Unknown person POV. ~

"Okay in a few days Drake is a having the OVO fest in Toronto, and that's when we will take out Bey." I explained to the group before me.

August looked at me and nodded. Jay smirked and rubbed his hands together like Birdman. The group was pretty big, I had my shooters, watchers, and people to help who had a reason. Bey was going down and Onika would be mine.

"Anyone know where Draya at?" Jay asked looking around.

I chuckled, "She thinks she slick, but I know exactly where her ass is at. And when I finish taking care of Bey, she'll be next on my list."

~ Onika Maraj's POV. ~

In the studio is probably one of the best places I could be right about now. The studio is where I can always release my stress or just plain vibe out. Bey was out with her group of friends at the movies. She invited me to go, but I didn't want to go.

"So what you wanna spit?" Safaree asked.

I shrugged and paused the beat I had playing, "I don't have anything in mind. I'm really just ready to get something to eat."

"Let's go to Waffle House." Be suggested.

Biting my lip and thinking about where I wanted to go, I shook my head no.

"I want a Wendy's burger and salad." I smiled.

"You coming?" He asked.

I stake faced him and pointed to controls, "I hate to work Safaree. But can you do me another favor?"

"What is it?" He asked grabbing his phone off the table.

"Never mind, just get my food." I mumbled waving him off.

He nodded and walked out the door. I pulled my phone out and texted Amber.

- Come through to the studio.

Muva 🍑💧; Oh my gosh, you finally back where you need to be. I'll be there in 20 minutes.

- Lol, and my bring my nephew. ☺️

Sitting back, I scroll through my timeline and I see Beyoncé posting endless pictures of herself and friends. You could clearly see that she was having fun and I happy for her.

- I see you're having fun. 😌

Babaay4Lifee 💍💦💕; Where you at? Lol

- In the studio, I saw you down my timeline.

Babaay4Lifee 💍💦💕; Well, I'm going out for some drinks. Can you pick me up around 10?

- I got you baby. Don't get too drunk 😴

Babaay4Lifee 💍💦💕; Whatever 😭😩

I laughed and locked my phone. This session was going to be a lot harder than I thought.

~ Beyoncé Knowles's POV. ~

Sitting at the bar with my best friends, I didn't realize how much I missed them until tonight.

"Girl, I'm so proud that you came out." Michelle smiling.

"Yes girl, I'm proud! Congratulations on your new relationship." Kelly smiled at hugged me.

I blushed, "Thank you babes."

"Can we get some shots over here!" Michelle yelled at the bar tender who wouldn't come near us.

He glanced at her and smile before walking over to us, "What can I get you beautiful ladies?"

"I'll take a shot of Patron." I smiled.

He smiled and looked at Kelly, "I'll take the same thing."

And Michelle said the same thing, "I'll be right back with your shots."

I nodded and turned my attention back to the girls.

"OVO fest is coming up and I want you guys to come along." I smiled at them.

"Yeah, I finally get to meet bae." Michelle laughed.

"I can't wait, who else is coming? I heard you're performing." Kelly grinned.

Shaking my head no, "I was, but I need a break. After this fest Onika and I are going away to the islands."

"Vacation?" Kelly asked with a hope.

"Shut it better be vacation, you can't just up and leave us. America is your home." Michelle replied.

As I was getting ready to speak I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes on me. I turned around to see a group of men dressed in very dark clothes looking at me. All of the sudden, my heart rate sped up and I quickly turned around. I wonder if I'm in any trouble.

"Your shots!" The man smiled.

We smiled and thanked him. We did cheers to happiness and I shrugged the bad feeling off as I gulped down my drink.

As the the shot settled in, I smiled. Maybe the was just feeling the kid.

Short boring chapter, but yeah. Drama really close, but don't get mad.

Who do y'all think the group of men is? 👀

Should have Bey left? Or stayed like she did?

Comment, vote, and share.

-Maya 💧

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